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Search results for: discovered

1415 results found.

57 pages of results.
... Bible Topical Discover Discover Jump to: ATS • ISBE • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources ATS Bible Dictionary Discover Micah 1 ...
... Bible Topical Discovered Discovered Jump to: Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (imp. & p. p. ...
... Bible Topical Discovering Discovering Jump to: Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (p . pr. & vb. n. ...
... a.) Detected. 2. (v . t.) To uncover; to discover; to find out; to bring to light; as, to detect a crime or ...
... v . t.) To keep close watch; to perceive with the eyes; to discover, as a distant object partly concealed, or not obvious to notice; to see at ...
... :11 "Now the king came in to see the guests; and among them he discovered one who was not wearing a wedding-robe. (WEY BBE) . .. /r ...
... . 1, "Then Shall the Kingdom .. .. may be thou dost not discover anything in thine own conscience; but He who seeth better, whose Divine glance penetrateth into ...
... . Acts 4:13 As they looked on Peter and John so fearlessly outspoken- and also discovered that they were illiterate persons, untrained in the schools- they were .. /o / ...
... 27:39 And when it was day, they knew not the land: but they discovered a certain creek with a shore, into the which they were minded, if it were ...
... at Nineveh, more especially those by George Smith, of the British Museum. He has discovered not only the buildings, but the remains of fin ancient library written on stone tablets. ...
... Discourse .. ye have made your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your doings your sins do appear; because that ye are . ...
... . Acts 4:13 As they looked on Peter and John so fearlessly outspoken- and also discovered that they were illiterate persons, untrained in the schools- they were .. /u / ...
... your brother. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) The action of discovering; exposure to view; laying open; showing; as, the discovery of a plot ...
... . Acts 4:13 As they looked on Peter and John so fearlessly outspoken- and also discovered that they were illiterate persons, untrained in the schools- they were .. /f / ...
... Unabridged Dictionary 1. (v . t.) To recognize; to discern; to discover; to spy out or discover by the eye; to espy. 2. (v ...
... xlv acts xx 32.htm Drawing Nearer to the Storm .. forth.3. Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed ...
... . /s /symbol.htm - 9k Sawest (20 Occurrences) .. for thou hast discovered thyself to another than me, and art gone up; thou hast enlarged thy bed, ...
... 3 ) Flavian Dynasty. In 68 A.D. a new "secret of empire" was discovered, namely, that the principate was not hereditary in one line and that emperors could be ...
... as the "Absolute or Revealed Religion" in the sense that in it the idea is discovered of the essential unity of God and man (thus also T. H. Green, ...
... 3 ) Flavian Dynasty. In 68 A.D. a new "secret of empire" was discovered, namely, that the principate was not hereditary in one line and that emperors could be ...
... a whoring, like to the whoredoms of the .. /w /whoredom.htm - 24k Discovered (46 Occurrences) .. Ezekiel 16:36 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ...
... the name of Jehovah, the Everlasting God. .. /b /beer-sheba.htm - 16k Discovered (46 Occurrences) .. Now Saul was sitting in Gibeah, under the tamarisktree in ...
... /a /adonis.htm - 7k Plants (70 Occurrences) /p /plants.htm - 27k Discover (28 Occurrences) .. Micah 1:6 Therefore I will make Samaria as an ...
... ) .. But, you see, I have examined him in your presence and have discovered in the man no ground for the accusations which you bring against him. (WEY) ...
... naked and bare: and the nakedness of thy .. /w /whoredoms.htm - 17k Discovered (46 Occurrences) .. Ezekiel 23:29 And they shall deal with thee hatefully ...
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