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87 results found.

4 pages of results.
... Situation: (1 ) Dr. Naville's Theory. In 1885 Dr. E. Naville discovered a Roman milestone of Maximian and Severus, proving that the site of Heroopolis was at Tell ...
... Antioch, which lay in Galatian Phrygia, near the northern border of Pisidia. An inscription discovered in 1912 shows that Quirinius, who is mentioned in Luke 2:2 as governor of ...
... 1000 A.D.), and received its death blow when a sea route to India was discovered by way of the Cape of Good Hope (circa 1500) . Today the ancient Alexandria ...
... replaced by stone, and the painted or tiled walls by sculptured slabs. In the bas-reliefs discovered at Nineveh three periods of artistic progress may be traced. Under Assur-nazir-pal the sculpture is bold ...
... than Hezekiah's aqueduct, though the rock-cut part near the source may be older. It was discovered by the Siloam fellahin, because, through a fault in the dam, all the water ...
... at a tell Darala since the Talmud calls Succoth, Darala, and Dr. Merrill has discovered the latter place 1 mile n. of the Jabbok. The other place bearing the same ...
... of the entrance seems not to have been erected until the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its foundations were discovered in 1912 by Petrie. Some scraps of the granite of the obelisk bear inscriptions of Thothmes ...
... lost in the Tigris by the sinking of the rafts upon which they were loaded after being discovered. 7. Sherif Khan and Selamieh: Another outlying suburb was probably Tarbicu, now represented ...
... of the entrance seems not to have been erected until the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its foundations were discovered in 1912 by Petrie. Some scraps of the granite of the obelisk bear inscriptions of Thothmes ...
... . It remained for Dr. J. H. Haynes, a decade later, to discover another portion of this library, which he regarded as such, because of the large number ...
... :18, 19 ) . These papyri give information similar to that which the clay tablets discovered at Nippur give regarding the house of Murashu Sons (see CAPTIVITY) about the same time-the ...
... by Mr. Macalister with scientific thoroughness and skill, and where a large necropolis has been discovered as well as the remains of seven successive settlements, the last of which comes down to ...
... named with En-gannim and En-haddah ( Joshua 19:21 ) . The site has not been discovered; it probably lay near the modern Jenin. Strong's Hebrew H1048: Beth Patstsets "place ...
... thus very definitely indicated; but within this district no name at all resembling Nob has been discovered, and so no sure identification is yet possible. `Anata (Anathoth) is 2 ...
... , was a mistake of Robinson's guide; it is on the heights west where Conder has discovered the ruins and name; the ruins are 1970 ft. above the Mediterranean and there are ...
... the Louvre) was set up here by Demetrius Poliorcetes circa 300 B.C., and was discovered in 1863. Since that time (1873-75), the Austrian government carried on extensive excavations ...
... . It is named with Hazor and Ramah; but so far the site has not been discovered. Strong's Hebrew H1664: Gittayim a city in Benjamin ...
... OF THE NATIONS ha-ro' sheth or (charosheth ha-goyim): There is now no means of discovering what is meant by the phrase "of the nations." This is the place whence ...
... thus very definitely indicated; but within this district no name at all resembling Nob has been discovered, and so no sure identification is yet possible. `Anata (Anathoth) is 2 ...
... are not sufficient to guide to any identification, and, so far, nothing has been discovered in the district to help us. Called simply "Iyim" (the King James Version ...
... the angel ( Judges 2:1 , 5 ) . No name resembling this has been discovered. Given on the occasion mentioned, it may not have endured. Many, following Septuagint ...
... also called Kadesh-barnea, identified with Ain Gadis about 40 ms. s. of Beer'sheba, discovered by Rylands, 1842, visited by Dr. Trumbull and fully described by him in his ...
... these seem all to lie South of any possible site for Mahanaim. A ruined site was discovered by Dr. Schumacher (M und NPDV, 1897, 86), with the name ...
... these seem all to lie South of any possible site for Mahanaim. A ruined site was discovered by Dr. Schumacher (M und NPDV, 1897, 86), with the name ...
... and for the statue of that goddess by Praxiteles. Here in 1875-78 Sir C. Newton discovered the statue of Demeter, now in the British Museum. See also the Aphrodite of Cnidus ...
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