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Search results for: discovered

10056 results found.

403 pages of results.
... the epitaphs.- The excavations in the garden of La Farnesina.- The Roman house discovered there.- The tomb of Sulpicius Platorinus.- Its interesting contents.- The " ...
... posting official announcements.- The Temple of Isis and Serapis.- The number of sculptures discovered on its site.- The Temple of Neptune.- Its remains in the Piazza di ...
... knowledge. Again; if there be the terror, horror, and severity of the law discovered to a people by the servants of Jesus Christ, though they do not speak of it ...
... . Roman epitaphs constantly refer to this authority of the pontiffs, and one of them, discovered by Ficoroni in July, 1730, near the Porta Metronia, contains the correspondence exchanged on ...
... Bible Library Whether it is Lawful for a Man to Kill his Wife if She be Discovered in the Act of Adultery? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would ...
... pointed to with pride; but so obscure was his birth, that it has not been discovered that he was christened at all; while the fact of his new birth by the Holy ...
... had a fancy for writing a romance about an English yachtsman who slightly miscalculated his course and discovered England under the impression that it was a new island in the South Seas. I always ...
... :1 , 2 When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the wickedness of Samaria: for they commit falsehood … Jehovah was Israel's Healer ( ...'s_malignancy.htm
... appeared to represent the light, perhaps the sun, the other the heavens. They had discovered at an early period in the sides of the hills rich metalliferous veins, and strata, ...
... , scale the ice-covered mountains, and brave the dangers of a trackless wilderness in hope of discovering the things they diligently seek. It does not require a chart, or compass, or ...
... .- Put to death because of his religion.- Description of his tomb, recently discovered.- Other Christian patricians.- How was it possible for men in public office to ...
... John Calvin 1. When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the wickedness of Samaria: for they commit falsehood; and the thief cometh in ...
... 1 to 294 were placed in the margin, the use of which the editor could not discover; probably the work was written on as many scraps of paper, thus numbered to direct ...
... at the extremity of the Trastevere. Here, it is said, her body was again discovered at the end of the 16th cent. in the time of Clement VIII. Baronius has ...
... , in all probability, have echoed with the sound of S. Peter's voice, were discovered in 1776 close to the modern church of S. Prisca; but no attention was paid ...
... Byzantine princes, their images in Rome, 162. Caecilia, S., her tomb discovered by Pope Paschal I., 326. Caepio, Aulus Crispinius, his tomb, 267 ...
... Mortal Ingenuity Search for Veins of Metal Deeply Buried in the Ground, and the Experienced Eye Discover Gold Where the Inexperienced Thinks There is Nothing but Earth? Why Should we Refuse to Grant ...
... to that discovery which our Heavenly Pilot has provided. 1. By the telescope land is discovered when the unaided eye sees nothing but water. As the Bible is a chart, so ...
... sin? And if it be, how is it to be dealt with, to be discovered, and confessed, and cast out by man, and cleansed away by God? Jesus ...
... was ready to serve them in what they desired, but he suspected that they would be discovered by the king, from their meagre bodies, and the alteration of their countenances, because ...
... corresponding energies. But what "works" he here speaks of, it is impossible to discover from his words. If he means the works to be observed in the creation, I ...
... to do?" As the priest ran his knife into the entrails of his victim, discovered the heart and liver, and what else did lie within, so art thou, O ...
... to do?" As the priest ran his knife into the entrails of his victim, discovered the heart and liver, and what else did lie within, so art thou, O ...
... why he should learn the Latin declensions. He has to do it first, and to discover the reasons afterwards. And so if a child be not disciplined to truthfulness, industry, ...
... of Jerusalem. But no sooner was the merciful design developed, than the hostility of man discovered itself. The books in which the history of the rebuilding of the temple is recorded, ...
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