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Search results for: independent

799 results found.

32 pages of results.
... Bible Topical Independent Independent Jump to: Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (a.) ...
... Bible Topical Independence Day Independence Day Jump to: Topical • Library • Subtopics • Resources Topical Bible Verses 1 Peter 2:13-17 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's ...
... Dynasty 8. Renewed Prosperity 9. Anarchy III. DECLINE AND FALL 1. Loss of Independence 2. Decline 3. Extinction 4. Summary LITERATURE I. The First Period. 1 ...
... over the Jews, conquered Jerusalem, and strove to introduce idolatrous worship. The standard of independence was first raised by Mattathias, a priest of the course of Joiarih. He seems, ...
... place, or is wont to be celebrated; as, the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. 3. (n.) The day on which Mass is said yearly for the ...
... represented is apparently that of a series of disconnected raids or campaigns undertaken by the several tribes independently, each having for its object the subjection of the territory assigned to the individual tribe. ...
... distinction 2. (n.) A view of man as constituted of two original and independent elements, as matter and spirit. 3. (n.) A system which accepts ...
... by being turned into his tomb. ( 1 Samuel 25:1 ) Samuel represents the independence of the moral law, of the divine will, as distinct from legal or sacerdotal enactments ...
... to live on spoils. 9. (vi .. /l /live.htm - 8k Independent (1 Occurrence) .. few men are wholly independent. 2. (a. ...
... (a.) Having, or known under or by, conditions or relations; not independent; not absolute. Library Synopsis.-Biblical Miracles the Effluence of Extraordinary Lives .. ...
... ever Raised .. .. Raised About It by Believers. Heretics Encourage and Perpetuate Thought Independent of Christ's Teaching. Now, with regard to this .. / ../the prescription ...
... Psammetik, the son of Necho, who had remained faithful after his restoration, declared his independence. As the Assyrian army was required elsewhere, Egypt was henceforth free from the yoke of ...
... under the leadership of the Maccabees. This particular Arsaces was the sixth of the line of independent Parthian rulers which had been founded in 250 B.C. by Arsaces I, who revolted from ...
... a nest, frequent a haunt, or are .. /n /nest.htm - 18k Independent (1 Occurrence) .. few men are wholly independent. 2. (a. ...
... or Carduchian mountains. It was founded in B.C. 1700 under Bel-kap-kapu, and became an independent and a conquering power, and shook off the yoke of its Babylonian masters. It subdued ...
... the orthodox faith/chapter v in reply to those.htm Now the Person in Each Declares the Independent Being and .. .. Section VIII. Now the person in each declares the independent ...
... moderate degree; passably; tolerably. Multi-Version Concordance .. /i /indifferent.htm - 7k Independent (1 Occurrence) .. independent property. 3. (a.) Not subject ...
... to Nehemiah corresponds to the one which the Chronicler claims to have used; and the two independent pieces of evidence strongly confirm each the other. 7. The Way of Using the Biblical ...
... r /regain.htm - 10k Edom (108 Occurrences) .. But they regained again their independence, and in later years, during the decline of the Jewish kingdom (2 Kings 16 ...
... . Acts 14:3 Yet Paul and Barnabas .. /r /relying.htm - 7k Independent (1 Occurrence) .. 1. (a.) Not dependent; free; ...
... it was from the rationalistic side that the first vindication of Biblical theology as a science of independent rank was made. This merit belonged to Gabler (1787), who urged a purely ...
... . The final section, in the nature of an appendix, consisting of two narratives, independent apparently of the main portion of the book and of one another. They contain no indication ...
... another son"): I. THE JOSEPH STORY, A LITERARY QUESTION 1. An Independent Original or an Adaptation? 2. A Monograph or a Compilation? (1 ) An ...
... its official representatives, has been able at all times to preserve a very high originality and independence under the influence of the Divine Spirit, who had filled it. I. Origins of ...
... the Jews, which led to the revolt that resulted, under his successors, in the independence of the country of Syrian control, and the institution of a native coinage in the time ...
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