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Search results for: independent

5132 results found.

206 pages of results.
... Bible Sermons 1 Samuel 13:1 The War of Independence T. Kirk. 1 Samuel 13:1 Saul reigned one year; and when he had reigned two years over Israel ...
... Bible Library Proposition iii: the one Independent Being must be Necessarily Existing. A Discourse Concerning the Being and Attributes of God — Samuel Clarke III. That unchangeable and independent Being, ...
... Touching the First Subject of all the Forementioned Power of the Keyes. And an Explanation of Independency. The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power Thereof — John Cotton WHAT that ...
... Bible Library Proposition ii: There must have Existed from Eternity one Independent Being. A Discourse Concerning the Being and Attributes of God — Samuel Clarke There has existed from eternity, [ ...
... Bible Sermons Colossians 2:16-19 Christian Independence U.R. Thomas Colossians 2:16-19 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy ...
... Bible Sermons Romans 14:1-9 The Christian's Dependence and the Christian's Independence C.H. Irwin Romans 14:1-9 Him that is weak in the faith receive you, but not to doubtful ...'s_dependence_and_the_christian's_independence.htm
... Bible Sermons 2 Timothy 2:13 The Unchangeableness and Independence of Christ H. Melvill, B. D. 2 Timothy 2:13 If we believe not, yet he stays ...
... . Caesarius, though evidently a disciple of St. Augustine, displayed in this respect considerable independence of thought. His vigorous denial of anything like predestination to evil has caused a difference in ...
... the privileges of their members. As the churches held theoretically that each was a complete, independent, and self-governing unit, their practice and teaching concerning their powers and duties began to show ...
... ever resign themselves to servitude as long as they saw the peoples of their race maintaining their independence on the opposite shores of the AEgean, and while the misdeeds of which the contingents of ...
... borders of Namri, of Nairi, of Melitene, and of Syria had either resumed their independence, or else had thrown in their lot with the states against which they had been intended ...
... Jesus or Christ, it is because the facts of the Incarnation and Passion would commend themselves independently of names to Gentiles, to whom such facts were illustrated by their mythology (cf. ...
... the weaker to be oppressed by the heathen, and were themselves often powerless to retain their independence. In spite of the thousands of men among them, all able to bear arms, ...
... answered and said,… Two general truths. I. That the great God is perfectly INDEPENDENT OF MAN'S CHARACTER, WHETHER RIGHT OR WRONG. "Can a man be profitable unto God ...
... vessel wherein is no pleasure.… We have here the Nemesis of a false desire of independence. I. MINGLING WITH THE WORLD LEADS TO ABSORPTION BY THE WORLD. (Ver. ...
... , in the conflicts of his day that is his chief title to fame, but his independence and depth as a Christian thinker. He has, indeed, exerted an important influence upon ...
... spirit of revealed religion. That philosophy taught its disciples to aspire after an absolute and universal independence. It insisted that the "wise man" should not look abroad for happiness in any ...
... your own cistern, and running waters out of your own well. I. MAN HAS INDEPENDENT SPIRITUAL RESOURCES. 1. He has independent sources of thought. Every sane man can and ...
... had been met, he gives utterance to his triumphant and yet humble consciousness of his Christ-given independence in, and of, all circumstances, and then feeling in a moment that such words ...'thank_you'.htm
... had been met, he gives utterance to his triumphant and yet humble consciousness of his Christ-given independence in, and of, all circumstances, and then feeling in a moment that such words ...
... teaching of the great Master, but also, on the other hand, their freedom and independence of observation and judgment in the narration of facts. Words can be accurately reported only in ...
... Gillespie, however, Binning appears to have kept up an amicable intercourse with some of the Independents in the army of the Commonwealth. He even gave the use of his church to the ...
... inorganic and the organic forces of nature respectively. The valleys, being in some measure more independent of the changing seasons, seem to have nurtured independence of God; while the hills of ...
... new centre of spiritual force and power. III. THUS POSSESSED BY JESUS, HE BECAME INDEPENDENT OF MEN. (Vers. 16, 17.) Now, this independence of Paul ...'s_personal_grasp_of_the_gospel.htm
... p.74,]- to suppose two or more different natures existing of themselves, necessarily and independent from each other, implies this plain contradiction; that each of them being independent from the ...
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