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Search results for: compliments

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... Bible Topical Compliments Compliments Jump to: Concordance • Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Strong's Hebrew 5273a. naim- pleasant, delightful .. Word Origin from ...
... .) Expressive of regard or praise; of the nature of, or containing, a compliment; as, a complimentary remark; a complimentary ticket. Library I Will Pray with the ...
... approbation or praise. 3. (n.) A message of affection or respect; compliments; greeting. Greek 1868. epainos- praise .. praise. Part of Speech: ...
... . 2. (v . i.) To be ceremoniously courteous; to make one's compliments. 3. (v . i.) To fulfill; to accomplish. 4. ...
... ) Clumsy; awkward; unlucky; insincere; sinister; malicious; as, a left-handed compliment. 3. (a.) Having a .. /l /left-handed.htm - 8k ...
... .. // life/the parable of the talents.htm Augustin Compliments victor's Talents and Diligence. .. Book III. Chapter 21."Augustin Compliments Victor's ...
... .) The act or practice of flattering; the act of pleasing by artful commendation or compliments; adulation; false, insincere, or excessive praise. Greek 2850. kolakeia- flattery ...
... .. Why callest thou Me good? ' is more than a waving aside of a compliment, or a lesson in accuracy of speech. .. / ../maclaren/expositions ...
... a carousal. 3. (v . i.) To drink deeply or freely in compliment; to take part in a carousal; to engage in drunken revels. 4. ( ...
... . 5. (n.) Commendation; praise. 6. (n.) Compliments; greetings. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia COMMEND ko-mend': (1 ) For paratithemi ( ...
... ) To fill to satiety and disgust; to cloy; as, he surfeits us with compliments. Greek 2880. korennumi- to satisfy .. satisfy. Word Origin from koros ( ...
... ) Clumsy; awkward; unlucky; insincere; sinister; malicious; as, a left-handed compliment. 3. (a.) Having a direction contrary to that of the hands of ...
... and others second series/things to come.htm On Appeal. .. Sweeter than all the compliments of men will be the far-echoing "Well done" of Christ in that day when the ...
... (v . t.) Hence, to give a sign of good will; to compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow, etc. 3. ...
... . t.) To entertain with food or drink, especially the latter, as a compliment, or as an expression of friendship or regard; as, to treat the whole company ...
... 2. (n.) Expression of kindness or joy; salutation at meeting; a compliment from one absent. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia GREETING gret' ing (sha' al; chairo, ...
... salute; to hail; to welcome; to accost with friendship; to pay respects or compliments to, either personally or through the intervention of another, or by writing or token. ...
... which the disciples were sent forth was one of urgency, which left no time for empty compliments and prolonged greetings ( Luke 10:4 ) . Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (n. ...
... . The jet-black setting is this""After that ye have suffered awhile." Worldly compliments are of little worth; for as Chesterfield observes, "They cost nothing .. / ...
... /spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 9 1863/grace abounding.htm First Impressions .. Not one compliment to them! ' said a presbyter. What a churl he must be! Look how ...
... North-East .. His name was Hadoram, "Hadad is exalted;" but out of compliment to the Israelitish king, the name of Hadad was changed into that of the God of ...
... /works and letters of st ambrose/epistle xx st ambrose relates.htm Introduction .. a compliment to the king. We are assured that we have them as they were taken down by ...
... elders, [19] I .. then, as I am carried away by your compliments, so .. which they see in me or hear respecting me may .. / ...
... two ancient proverbs.htm The Complaint: Or, Night Thoughts. .. All pay themselves the compliment to think. They one day shall not drivel: and their pride. On this reversion ...
... the jews/chapter 11 that bacchides was.htm April the Thirtieth the Test of victory .. compliments of his audience. He "behaved wisely." So many of us tarnish our victories ...
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