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Search results for: compliments

649 results found.

26 pages of results.
... Bible Library St. Ambrose Commences his Argument by Complimenting the Emperor.. Works and Letters of St. Ambrose — St. Ambrose St. Ambrose commences his argument by complimenting the Emperor ...
... . But go to Katerina Ivanovna at once and be sure to say, He sends his compliments to you! ' Compliments, his compliments! just compliments and farewell! Describe the scene ...
... Bible Library Augustin Compliments victor's Talents and Diligence. Anti-Pelagian Writings — St. Augustine It would take me too long a time to handle and discuss fully all the points which I wish ...
... Bible Sermons 3 John 1:2 The Christian's New Year's Compliment J. Cumming, D. D. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you ...'s_new_year's_compliment.htm
... , to doubt the power of their frivolous charms; as a proof of this the least compliment paid them for their beautiful or handsome appearance puts them beside themselves so far as to make ...
... took her in after her shipwreck, or have you spoken this word by way of greatly complimenting your mother? But if you spoke truly, and not by way of compliment, you ...
... father's will was not only that the son should give him a cap and a knee and compliment him, but that he should go to work in the vineyard. It is the least ...'s_will.htm
... the more blindly credulous to everything that makes them appear better than they are. He who compliments them palliates their offences, gives them credit for virtues they possess not, is their favourite ...
... speak of myself as a familiar friend, pray do not set this down to mere empty compliment. Common report, which loudly proclaims your universal benevolence, is, in this instance, ...
... . Arnold, hearing at luncheon that she was out of bed, immediately sent up his compliments, with the request that he might be permitted to see her on his return from the ...
... , Tom. VI., col.1047 et seqq.) [This address begins with many compliments to the Emperor, especially for his zeal for the true faith.] But because the ...
... not going to let you evade the question I am not going to pay you any idle compliments I am not impervious to the obligations involved I am not in sympathy with it I am ...
... I knew he would send you) ." "He told me to give you his compliments and to say that he would never come again but to give you his compliments." ...
... only to God. The intention, the habit of using mere titles, and applying as compliment terms belonging only to God, is wrong, Christ did not intend here to disclaim Divinity ...
... experiences and sympathies. To him she "cried." Her appeal was really an unintentional compliment to Elisha. The greatest compliment a man can offer is an opportunity for contributing to a ...'s_widow_and_it_prophet's_kindness.htm
... :6 ; Mr 8:15. We know that thou art true. A hypocritical compliment, not believed by them, but artfully said, as compliments often are, to conceal ...
... that so good a man as Gregory should escape a storm of odium. That is the compliment which vice pays to virtue. He had as many stones flung at him as bad men ...
... first quality were pleased so far to concern themselves in his case, as to provide a compliment in plate (which was not unusual at that time), and send it to the ...
... coincides with self-esteem. The young ruler believed in his own goodness and capabilities, and he complimented Jesus as "good Master," because he believed in the existence of any number of ...
... minister did. Do I find fault? No; I look upon it as a great compliment to Christianity. Some time ago a daily paper warmly advocated private contributions towards the relief of ...
... are saying what they would intend to say, in the ordinary language of the duplicity or compliment of the world. Therefore, when friends meet friends, and relatives meet relatives, while ...
... , and now the men that least accept the apostles' theory are those who abound in compliment to their moral elevation, to the purity and beauty of their religious character. But Paul ...
... many. Besides, all her bustle was really under a false impression, that the greatest compliment she could pay her Master was to give him a good physical feast. She never fancied ...
... the sword that was in Joab's left hand. The action of Joab was indeed a high compliment, but neither suspicious nor unusual and to this compliment, Amasa paying attention and no doubt ...
... burden, and bringing him sensibly nearer the grave. David had made the offer as a compliment to Barzillai, although it might also be a favour to himself, and as a compliment ...
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