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Search results for: innocent

269 verses found. Showing up to 100.

3 pages of results.
... all the earth, and you do what is right." Surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That's impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the ...
... spare the city if there are only 50 good people in it? If there are fifty innocent people in the city, will you destroy the whole city? Won't you spare it in ...
... replied, "I won't destroy the city." But perhaps there will be only forty-five innocent people instead of fifty. Will you destroy the whole city because there are five too few ...
... good? Abraham approached the LORD and asked, "Are you really going to destroy the innocent with the guilty? Abraham stepped forward and said, "Will You really sweep away the ...
... to keep them from being killed." The LORD answered, "If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake." The LORD ...
... '? And she herself said, Yes, he is my brother. I acted in complete innocence! My hands are clean." Did he not himself say to me, She is ...
... had not gone near her, so he said, "Lord, will you destroy an innocent nation? But Abimelech had not slept with her yet, so he said, "Lord ...
... you touch her. In the dream God responded, "Yes, I know you are innocent. That's why I kept you from sinning against me, and why I did not let ...
... I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver. It is a sign of your innocence in the eyes of all who are with you, and before everyone you are vindicated. ...
... who is found with it shall be my servant, and the rest of you shall be innocent." "As you say," replied the steward. "But only the one ...
... lord?" Judah replied. "What can we say? How can we prove our innocence? God has uncovered your servants' guilt. We are now my lord's slaves- we ourselves ...
... Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty. "Be sure never to charge ...
... accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent. "Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see ...
... must be stoned, and its meat may not be eaten, but the ox's owner is innocent. A bull that kills someone with its horns must be killed and its meat destroyed, ...
... gets up and walks about outside on his staff, then the one who struck him is innocent, except he must pay for the injured person's loss of time and see to it that ...
... who takest away iniquity, and wickedness, and sin, and no man of himself is innocent before thee. Who renderest the iniquity of the fathers to the children, and to the ...
... will take possession of it. I will give the land to your little ones — your innocent children. You were afraid they would be captured, but they will be the ones who ...
... Law in the presence of the LORD our God, as he commanded." We will be innocent if we carefully keep all these commandments before the LORD our God, just as he demands ...
... Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the LORD your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty ...
... Show no pity. You must purge from Israel the guilt of shedding innocent blood, so that it may go well with you. Do not feel sorry for that murderer! Purge ...
... have redeemed, LORD, and do not hold your people guilty of the blood of an innocent person." Then the bloodshed will be atoned for, O LORD, forgive your people ...
... bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the innocent. You must never twist justice or show partiality. Never accept a bribe, for bribes ...
... relative who is responsible for taking revenge for the killing might catch you and angrily kill an innocent person. After all, it was by accident that you killed someone who was not your ...
... and you will have purged from yourselves the guilt of shedding innocent blood, since you have done what is right in the eyes of the LORD. By following these instructions, you ...
... they are to take it to court and the judges will decide the case, acquitting the innocent and condemning the guilty. "Suppose two people take a dispute to court, and the ...
... to the young woman; she has committed no crime worthy of death. She is as innocent as a murder victim. But you shall do nothing to the young woman; she has ...
... "Cursed is anyone who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person." Then all the people shall say, "Amen!" Cursed is anyone who accepts payment to kill ...
... into the street, his blood will be on his own head, and we will be innocent. But if a hand is laid on anyone with you in the house, his blood ...
... shall be for you a refuge from the avenger of blood. That the manslayer who in innocence strikes anyone mortally, without knowing, may flee there. And they shall be your refuge ...
... city, and shall speak to the ancients of that city, such things as prove him innocent: and so shall they receive him, and give him a place to dwell in. ...
... to you Philistines." And Samson said to them, "This time I shall be innocent in regard to the Philistines, when I do them harm." Samson said to them ...
... and the king he has chosen are witnesses today that you have found me to be completely innocent." "Yes, the LORD is our witness," they answered. He said ...
... "O LORD, God of Israel, please show us who is guilty and who is innocent." Then they cast sacred lots, and Jonathan and Saul were chosen as the guilty ...
... , and you saw it and were glad. Why then would you do wrong to an innocent man like David by killing him for no reason?" Have you forgotten about the time ...
... ? "No!" David said. "Don't kill him. For who can remain innocent after attacking the LORD's anointed one? But David said to Abishai, "Do not destroy ...
... now your conscience will be clear, because you won't be guilty of taking revenge and killing innocent people. When the LORD does all those good things for you, please remember me. ...
... evil to my lord, be as Nabal. "The LORD has kept you from spilling innocent blood and from getting a victory by your own efforts. Now, sir, I solemnly ...
... And you should also be praised. Your good sense kept me from taking revenge and killing innocent people. Thank God for your good sense and for what you have done today in keeping ...
... well even though I've treated you poorly. He said to David, "You are more innocent than I, for you have treated me well, even though I have tried to harm ...
... , when David heard about this, he said, "I and my kingdom are forever innocent before the LORD concerning the blood of Abner son of Ner. When David heard about it ...
... How much more- when wicked men have killed an innocent man in his own house and on his own bed- should I not now demand his blood from your hand and rid the earth ...
... hundred men from Jerusalem had accompanied Absalom. They had been invited as guests and went quite innocently, knowing nothing about the matter. He took 200 men from Jerusalem with him as guests ...
... fall on me and on my father's house, and let the king and his throne be innocent." And the woman of Tekoa said to the king, "On me be the ...
... rewarded me. The LORD rewarded me for doing right; he restored me because of my innocence. "The LORD dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of ...
... cleanness in his sight. The LORD rewarded me for doing right. He has seen my innocence. And the LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness in ...
... be loyal to one who is faithful; you prove to be trustworthy to one who is innocent. With the faithful you show yourself faithful. With the blameless man you show yourself blameless ...
... doing wrong. I was blameless before Him and kept myself from sinning. I have been innocent before him, and I've kept myself from incurring guilt. I was blameless before him; ...
... But now, do not consider him innocent. You are a man of wisdom; you will know what to do to him. Bring his gray head down to the grave in ...
... , but it was done in a time of peace, staining his belt and sandals with innocent blood. "Moreover, you also know what Joab the son of Zeruiah did to me ...
... "I am the one who has sinned and done wrong! But these people are as innocent as sheep — what have they done? Let your anger fall against me and my family ...
... and bury him, and so clear me and my whole family of the guilt of the innocent blood that Joab shed. "Do as he said," the king replied. " ...
... Joab for those murders, which he committed without my father David's knowledge. Joab killed two innocent men who were better men than he: Abner, commander of the army of Israel, ...
... condemning the guilty by bringing down on their heads what they have done, and vindicating the innocent by treating them in accordance with their innocence. then hear from heaven and judge between your ...
... this temple, "If someone wrongs another person and is required to take an oath of innocence in front of your altar in this Temple, "If a man sins against his neighbor ...
... morning Jehu went out. He stood before all the people and said, "You are innocent. It was I who conspired against my master and killed him, but who killed all ...
... including the shedding of innocent blood. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the LORD was not willing to forgive. who had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood. The ...
... Moreover, Manasseh also shed so much innocent blood that he filled Jerusalem from end to end- besides the sin that he had caused Judah to commit, so that they did evil in ...
... are friends. But if you have come to betray me to my enemies when I am innocent, then may the God of our ancestors see it and punish you." David went ...
... ! I am the one who has sinned and done wrong! But these people are as innocent as sheep — what have they done? O LORD my God, let your anger fall ...
... condemning the guilty and bringing down on their heads what they have done, and vindicating the innocent by treating them in accordance with their innocence. then hear from heaven and judge between your ...
... this temple, "If someone wrongs another person and is required to take an oath of innocence in front of your altar at this Temple, "If a man sins against his neighbor ...
... presence, because of the sins of Manasses in all that he did, and for the innocent blood which Joakim shed, for he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; yet the Lord ...
... of the ever-seeing God. And oftentimes evil exhortation has made partakers of the guilt of shedding innocent blood, and has involved in irremediable calamities, many of those who had been appointed to ...
... "Consider now: Who, being innocent, has ever perished? Where were the upright ever destroyed? "Stop and think! Do the innocent die? When have the upright ...
... ? Can even a strong man be more pure than his Maker? Can a mortal be innocent before God? Can anyone be pure before the Creator? ' Can mortal man be in ...
... true, blameless, godly man, abstaining from all evil? and he yet cleaves to innocence, whereas thou has told me to destroy his substance without cause? And the Lord said ...
... When a scourge brings sudden death, he mocks the despair of the innocent. When a plague sweeps through, he laughs at the death of the innocent. When disaster brings sudden ...
... I still dread all my sufferings, for I know you will not hold me innocent. I would still dread all the pain, for I know you will not find me innocent ...
... Even if I were innocent, my mouth would condemn me; if I were blameless, it would pronounce me guilty. Though I am innocent, my own mouth would pronounce me ...
... If I am guilty- woe to me! Even if I am innocent, I cannot lift my head, for I am full of shame and drowned in my affliction. If I ...
... Though I were innocent, I could not answer him; I could only plead with my Judge for mercy. Even if I were right, I would have no defense. I ...
... the same; that is why I say, He destroys both the blameless and the wicked. Innocent or wicked, it is all the same to God. That's why I say, He ...
... in Your sight. "For you have said, My teaching is pure, And I am innocent in your eyes. For you have said, My doctrine is pure, And I am clean ...
... "Indeed, I know that this is true. But how can mere mortals prove their innocence before God? "Yes, I know all this is true in principle. But how ...
... person of integrity, and he will not support evildoers. We know God doesn't reject an innocent person or help a sinner. But God will never abandon the faithful or ever give help ...
... ; a man who called upon God, and He answered him; the just, the innocent one is laughed to scorn; I am a laughingstock to my neighbors. I am one ...
... , I have no concern for myself; I despise my own life. "I am innocent, but it makes no difference to me — I despise my life. I am blameless ...
... to be vindicated? "Shouldn't someone answer this torrent of words? Is a person proved innocent just by a lot of talking? "Should a multitude of words go unanswered, and ...
... your face; you will stand firm and without fear. Then your face will brighten with innocence. You will be strong and free of fear. Surely then you will lift up your ...
... and that there is no one who can rescue from your power? You know I am innocent, but who can defend me against you? You know that I am not guilty, ...
... , why should I struggle in vain? So what's the use of trying to prove my innocence? Since I am held guilty, why should I bother? Since I will be found ...
... The upright are appalled at this; the innocent are aroused against the ungodly. The virtuous are horrified when they see me. The innocent rise up against the ungodly. The upright ...
... I know I will be vindicated. I have prepared my case; I will be proved innocent. Behold, I have prepared my case; I know that I shall be in the ...
... you demand. Who else will put up security for me? "You must defend my innocence, O God, since no one else will stand up for me. "Lay down ...
... one born of a woman, that he should be righteous? No human is pure and innocent, Can any human being be really pure? Can anyone be right with God? What ...
... The righteous see their ruin and rejoice; the innocent mock them, saying, "The righteous will be happy to see the wicked destroyed, and the innocent will laugh in contempt ...
... He will deliver even one who is not innocent, who will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands." Even sinners will be rescued; they will be rescued because your ...
... There the upright can establish their innocence before him, and there I would be delivered forever from my judge. Honest people can reason with him, so I would be forever acquitted ...
... Does He profit if you perfect your behavior? Will it please the Almighty if you are innocent, or does he profit if your life is blameless? Is it of any special benefit ...
... and leaving them naked. To guarantee payment of a debt, you have taken clothes from innocent people. To make a brother repay you the money he owed, you took away his ...
... what he lays up the righteous will wear, and the innocent will divide his silver. But the righteous will wear that clothing, and the innocent will divide that money. he ...
... I will maintain my innocence and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live. I will maintain my innocence without wavering. My conscience ...
... accurate scales, and he will recognize my integrity. and I beg God to prove my innocence. Let God weigh me on honest scales, and he will see how innocent I am ...
... right, I will never say that you men are right; I will insist on my innocence to my dying day. I will never affirm that you are right. I will maintain ...
... before God? How can one born of woman be pure? How can a mortal be innocent before God? Can anyone born of a woman be pure? How then can man be ...
... ; my flute plays only songs for those who are weeping." Job Asserts His Moral Innocence My harp is used for mourning and my flute for the sound of weeping. Therefore my ...
... from sin. You said, I am pure; I am without sin; I am innocent; I have no guilt. You say, I am pure, without transgression; I ...
... "Job says, I am innocent, but God denies me justice. For Job also said, I am innocent, but God has taken away my rights. For Job has ...
... eyes. Job's three friends refused to reply further to him because he kept insisting on his innocence. So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own ...
... considered a liar; although I am guiltless, his arrow inflicts an incurable wound. I am innocent, but they call me a liar. My suffering is incurable, though I have not ...
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