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Search results for: prophet

7383 results found.

296 pages of results.
... Bible Topical Prophet Prophet Jump to: Smith's • ISBE • Easton's • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Smith's Bible Dictionary Prophet ...
... Bible Topical Prophets Prophets Jump to: ATS • ISBE • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources ATS Bible Dictionary Prophets A class of men ...
... Bible Topical Prophets Reward Prophets Reward Jump to: Topical • Library • Subtopics • Resources Topical Bible Verses Matthew 10:41 He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet ...
... Bible Topical Modern Day Prophets Modern Day Prophets Jump to: Topical • Library • Subtopics • Resources Topical Bible Verses Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false ...
... Bible Topical Prophetic Prophetic Jump to: Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (a.) Alt. ...
... Bible Topical False Prophets False Prophets Jump to: Topical • ISBE • Greek • Library • Subtopics • Resources Topical Bible Verses 1 John 4:1-6 Beloved, believe not every spirit ...
... Bible Topical True Prophet True Prophet Jump to: Topical • Library • Subtopics • Resources Topical Bible Verses Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brothers ...
... 1 ) History.-He was called very young (B.C. 626) to the prophetic office, and prophesied forty-two years; but we have hardly any mention of him during the ...
... work of Jehovah, and marvelous in our eyes. A degree of obscurity rests on the prophetic writings, which patient and prayerful study alone can dispel; while those that are yet unfulfilled ...
... Bible Topical How the Prophetic Gift Was Received How the Prophetic Gift Was Received Jump to: Smith's • Library • Subtopics • Resources Smith's Bible Dictionary How the Prophetic Gift Was Received- ...
... Bible Topical Schools of the Prophets Schools of the Prophets Jump to: ISBE • Library • Subtopics • Resources International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Schools of the Prophets SCHOOLS OF THE PROPHETS See EDUCATION ...
... with the servant of Jehovah and his single attendant on the one hand, and the 850 prophets of Baal on the other; the altars, the descending fire of Jehovah consuming both sacrifice ...
... of Shaphat of Abel-meholah; the attendant and disciple of Elijan, and subsequently his successor as prophet of the kingdom of Israel. The earliest mention of his name is in the command to ...
... Smith's Bible Dictionary Joel (to whom Jehovah is God) . Eldest son of Samuel the prophet, ( 1 Samuel 8:2 ; 1 Chronicles 6:33 ; 15:17 ...
... • Resources Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary Isaiah the salvation of the Lord Smith's Bible Dictionary Isaiah the prophet, son of Amoz. The Hebrew name signifies Salvation of Jahu (a shortened form of ...
... known form old literature. Twenty-two of them are historical, five are poetical, eighteen are prophetical, twenty-one are epistolary. They contain logical arguments, poetry, songs and hymns, history ...
... shepherd and dresser of sycamore trees, who was called by God s Spirit to be a prophet, although not trained in any of the regular prophetic schools. ( Amos 1:1 ...
... Smith's Bible Dictionary Hosea (salvation), son of Beeri, and first of the minor prophets. Probably the life, or rather the prophetic career, of Hosea extended from B.C. ...
... in the Hebrew Canon. In the Hebrew Canon Joshua is the first in order of the prophetical books, and the first of the group of 4, namely, Joshua, Judges, ...
... comforter) is mentioned in ( Acts 13:1 ) as one of the teachers and prophets in the church at Antioch at the time of the appointment of Saul and Barnabas as missionaries ...
... given; giving; rewarded Smith's Bible Dictionary Nathan (a giver) . An eminent Hebrew prophet in the reigns of David and Solomon. (B.C. 1015.) He first appears ...
... 348.htm - 6k Library Carmel .. to me all Israel unto Mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which ...'s.htm
... ; solemnity Smith's Bible Dictionary Haggai (festive), the tenth in order of the minor prophets, and first of those who prophesied after the captivity. With regard to his tribe and ...
... that oppresses; destroyer Smith's Bible Dictionary Jonah (dove), the fifth of the minor prophets, was the son of Amittai, and a native of Gath-hepher. ( 2 Kings 14 ...
... Lord and Savior. See MESSIAH and JESUS . The ancient Hebrews, being instructed by the prophets, had clear notions of the Messiah; but these became gradually depraved, so that when ...
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