184 results found.
... in real terms with what it means to live as a Christian. They struggle to quantify complex and confusing ideas in clear, undeniable terminology. .. // christianbookshelf.org/various/ ...
... holy scripture/address v public use of.htm The Nicene Creed .. They struggle to quantify complex and confusing ideas in clear, undeniable terminology. Hopefully the reader will find this to be ...
... simplest (the amoeba usually furnishes the best illustration) and reaching to some of the most complex organisms (the human body) . (2 ) The succession of living forms in time ...
... of cloth " (, 1, 56), ie not compounded or over-complicated (needlessly complex); " -threaded" (versus "multi-threaded .. // strongsnumbers.com/greek2 ...
... to any substance in the elastic or aeriform state. 2. (n.) A complex mixture of gases, of which the most important constituents are marsh gas, olefiant gas, ...
... THE TERMS II. THE OLD TESTAMENT TEACHING 1. Popular Use of the Term 2. Complexity of the Idea III. IN THE APOCRYPHA IV. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT 1. In ...
... his modern Syrian counterpart, the saraf (see PEFS, 1904, 49, where the complexity of .. /b /banking.htm - 13k Changers (5 Occurrences) /c / ...
... Job (60 Occurrences) .. The whole archaic scene serves to detach the story from complex conditions of civilization, and enables the writer to deal with the inherent and intrinsic .. ...
... his modern Syrian counterpart, the saraf (see PEFS, 1904, 49, where the complexity of .. /b /banking.htm - 13k Changer .. CHANGER. chan' jer ( ...
... set of implements, or utensils, for a given duty, experimental or operative; any complex instrument or appliance, mechanical or chemical, for a specific action or operation; machinery; ...
... temple. .. worshippers. 2411 (from 2413 , "" ) - the Temple complex, ie (precincts, courtyards) and the central . Word Origin see hieros. temple ...
... temple. .. worshippers. 2411 (from 2413 , "" ) - the Temple complex, ie (precincts, courtyards) and the central . Word Origin see hieros. temple ...
... a creed, if it is believed at all, can be believed more fixedly in a complex society than in a simple one. .. / ../chesterton/orthodoxy/vi ...
... temple. .. worshippers. 2411 (from 2413 , "" ) - the Temple complex, ie (precincts, courtyards) and the central . Word Origin see hieros. temple ...
... • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (a.) Single; not complex; not infolded or entangled; uncombined; not compounded; not blended with something else; ...
... of cloth " (, 1, 56), ie not compounded or over-complicated (needlessly complex .. // strongsnumbers.com/greek2/572.htm - 7k Strong's Hebrew 6947. Qadesh Barnea ...
... of Life .. I don't know myself, but God knows me, understands all the complex relationships of my .. If you will put on a plate one apple that is getting ...
... preface to the.htm The Fallacy of the Young Nation .. But the ritual which is really complex, and many coloured, and elaborate, and needlessly formal, is the ritual which people ...
... must Inevitably be .. .. of Avoiding It is the Result of the Subtle and Complex Character of the Government Use of Force"Force is Used in Four Ways: Intimidation, ...
... .. Given this conviction that the spiritual phenomena do occur (my evidence for which is complex but rational), we then collide with one of the worst mental evils .. / ...
... Nature and Purpose of the Old Testament .. it is a library containing a large and complex literature, recording the varied experiences, political, social, ethical, and religious, of ...
... . calumny and exaggeration [calumny = maliciously lying to injure a reputation] . .. complex and various. composure and gracefulness. .. / ../kleiser/fifteen thousand useful ...
... disputation 23 on idolatry.htm part ii. .. Owing to the variety, extent, and complexity of men's avocations, some find it convenient to make consecrations accurately proportionate to prosperity, much ...
... On the Study of Zoology. .. a little hopeless to attempt to find in this complex mass a series of rings, each with its pair of appendages, such as I have ...
... it is very likely indeed to find the simplest man in a muck cart and the most complex .. / ../chesterton/whats wrong with the world/chapter 38 these are ...