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Search results for: parousia

62 results found.

3 pages of results.
... them to the glory of his Name, 3- 12. II. Instruction respecting the Parousia, ch.2. The church is warned against deception regarding the imminence of the great day of ...
... that the Lord may strengthen them, 11-13. II. Practical Exhortations and Instruction regarding the Parousia, 4:1- 5 : 28. The apostle exhorts the Thessalonians that they follow ...
... section on "Eucharist" in the Introduction. [2431] Christou charisma kai Pneumatos hagiou parousia tes autou Theotetos energetikon ginomenon. The meaning of this passage seems to have been obscured by ...
... in the judgment of the best critics. [1136] The Theoretical Theme:: The parousia of Christ. The Practical Theme: Christian hope in the midst of persecution. Leading Thoughts ...
... . It is the epignosis chpistou' which consists essentially in the acknowledgment of the dunamis kai parousia of Christ. Advancement in this epignosis' as the ground and aim of the exercise of ...
... tas propheteias suskiazontes epitedes; hoi de hebdomekonta pro hekaton e kai pleionon eton tes tou Christou parousias epi touto elthontes kai tosoutoi ontes pases toiautes eisin hupopsias apellagmenoi. kai dia ton chronon kai ...
... the background and the foreground. He knew, however, that certain occurrences must precede the Parousia. Surely this incentive to vigilance should be operative with us, to whom later centuries have ...
... So Jesus Christ will come secretly, first in what the early Greek Christians called the "Parousia," His presence in the air; and afterwards He will appear in the "Epiphany ...
... in the Old Testament justifies us in applying the warning concerning it to various forms of the parousia. I. THE DAY OF THE LOUD WILL COME UPON THE BENIGHTED AS A THIEF. ...
... take place. This belief was especially pronounced among the Montanists, Montanus having proclaimed that the parousia would occur before his death, and even having gone so far as to attempt to collect ...
... carefully distinguish between Christ's coming for His saints- sometime called the "rapture" or "parousia"; and His coming with His saints- the "revelation" or "epiphany. ...
... sentence of judicial blindness was passed upon Israel (Acts xxviii.25,26) . The words Parousia (1 Thess., &c ) and Apocalypse were suitable for that Dispensation; and ...
... Pacifism, 33 Palestine, 57 Panaetius, 9 Pantaenus, 125, 126 Paradise, 76 Parousia, 79 Pater, Walter, 2 Patriots, 13 Paul, 36, 57-60, 62 ...
... Vatican Codex.-Tr. [1357] Euthal. adds, kai peri tes endoxou kai deuteras autou parousias, i.e., and of His glorious and second coming. [1358] apoboles. ...
... verse 8; it is better, then, to refer it to the truth respecting the parousia held by the early Christians. For this belief they were mocked, and hence dwelt upon ...
... occupied with this anticipation, but none more so than the Thessalonians. The hope of the Parousia is an ever-recurrent theme in the two Epistles of St. Paul to this Church. His ...
... body of Christ. And even now we see faint glimmers of the final doctrine — the parousia, or the doctrine of last things. And all this is in due succession; advancing ...
... great importance. St. Paul had dwelt much upon the coming of the Lord. The Parousia was a subject of much excited talk, much stirring of heart among the Thessalonians. St ...
... and rudimentally. The consubstantiation is now laid in its foundations, to be consummated at the Parousia. The Church, says , is one body, not only generally and mystically, but ...
... times" as weeks of years (250 x 7), we find that the great Parousia will occur in the year of the world 4250. This would be 45 A.D. according ...
... He is infinitely just. 2. This shall take place upon our Lord's return. His parousia, is what the Church looks forward to with affectionate interest and hope. Her children offer ...
... is the final completion of the work of grace in the believer and will appear at the parousia of our Lord. It cannot be hindered by any power present or future, visible or ...
... separate and distinct event from the "Calling on high of Phil. iii.14, or the Parousia of 1 Thess. iv. The second Advent was the subject of Old Testament prophecy, ...
... brightness" in 2Th 2:8 . As His "coming" (Greek, "parousia") expresses the fact; so "brightness, appearing," or "manifestation" ...
... of the various terms applied by the Greek Fathers to the Incarnation, viz. (besides parousia), --he tou Christou epiphaneia; he despotike epidemia; he dia sarkos homilia; he ...
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