109 results found.
... Diderot and Hume put on the robes of self-complacency. The higher the development, the more vulnerable. Matter in an inorganic state is untroubled; but as soon as it begins to take ...
... empire. Test your allies before you trust them. IV. THE WORLDLY KING IS EASILY VULNERABLE. Carnal security is weakness incarnate. It is a rampart of cobwebs. The King of ...
... be only half-armed, for the subtle tempter is sure to aim his dart at the most vulnerable spot. We are all inclined to make much of favorite graces and to fortify ourselves against ...
... the things that are in the world, there comes over us what I may call a VULNERABLENESS OF MIND. We lay ourselves open on just so many sides as we have objects of ...
... exchange of one besetting sin for several? Have you not known men, who once seemed vulnerable only at a single point, begin to appear vulnerable, as it were, at all ...
... . If they cover themselves with chain armour, yet still His hand will find out their vulnerable parts, and touch their very souls until they melt with fear. ( C. H ...
... the water has not touched the heel by which his mother held him, and to that vulnerable heel the deathly arrow finds its way. Siegfried, in the "Nibelungen Lied," ...
... the Mede soon found out his value. But he had enemies. He had only one vulnerable point — one point in which his character was open to attack from an ungodly world. ...
... he is inclined to disbelieve whatever offers itself as a mystery to his mind. In this vulnerable point, scepticism in reference to subjects of a religious nature is wont to assail the mind ...
... , tender and sensitive to exposure. Always after this that soul has one insecure, one vulnerable point to be watched. There are men to-day who, just because they once swore an ...
... had leagued together to compass his overthrow. We should take heed that we knowingly afford no vulnerable point, no exposed and unguarded quarter, on which we may be assailed by the envenomed ...
... of devotion, by the senses. Some sacrifices which do not touch the heart in a vulnerable spot, always afford consolation, and thus lead us sensibly to God; but those that ...
... that temptation may make us invulnerable; but let us remember that trials will assail our most vulnerable part, be it the head, or heart, or heel. (F . W ...
... shall keep thee." Spirituality is to be my true defence. All other ramparts are vulnerable. They are the happy hunting-ground of the ravages of time; they fail in the crisis ...
... helmet, or his shield, or even his breastplate, and the enemy has discovered his vulnerable place. We must never continue our journey imperfectly armed. The evil one will ignore the ...
... ! In all wickedness there is weakness, and it is a grand thing to discern the vulnerable spot and to be ready with the exact truth, fact, promise, which deals death ...
... animum nova vexat. Docuit quoque non prius ullum 85 caelestia cernere regna, quam nocte et vulnere tristi toleraverit aspera mundi. Mors ipsa beatior inde est, quod per cruciamina leti 90 via ...
... It is much more effective when it comes from simple, natural affectionate-ness. Men are more vulnerable in the heart than in the head. The Christian teacher must attack both strongholds; he ...
... ." That old Serpent the Devil was to be permitted to attack the wound the only vulnerable part of our Lord's person- His humanity, here intimated by the word "heel. ...
... and restless foes, began by attacking those who were at once the most troublesome and most vulnerable- the Aramaean tribes on the banks of the Tigris. To give these incorrigible banditti, ...
... strong only at points, and weak in others. In all human experience there is a vulnerable spot on the heel. The most glorious image, though it has a head of gold ...
... , on the other hand, there was a now spot of weakness where he had become vulnerable to foes, whom in his innocence he might safely have despised; there was a new ...
... Lord's weapons. 2. We must have the whole armour of God. Every part is vulnerable, and every part, therefore, must be defended. 3. The whole armour must ...
... English language. In such an undertaking, it is obvious that I must have presented endless vulnerable places to the learned. I can only repeat that the book was never meant for them ...
... alas, so many perish. He was attacked in a point at which youth is peculiarly vulnerable. His comely person made him the object of unholy solicitations from one upon whose goodwill his ...