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Search results for: vitality

4769 results found.

191 pages of results.
... seem that fear does not cause contraction. For when contraction takes place, the heat and vital spirits are withdrawn inwardly. But accumulation of heat and vital spirits in the interior parts of ...
... " denotes, properly, that which is endowed with animal life, having breath, or vitality. The word from which it is derived (quch denotes, properly, the breath; ...
... Bible Library The Soul's vitality and Intelligence. Its Character and Seat in Man. A Treatise on the Soul — Tertullian In the first place, (we must determine) whether there ...
... Bible Library The Entire Soul Being Indivisible Remains to the Last Act of vitality; Never Partially or Fractionally Withdrawn from the Body. A Treatise on the Soul — Tertullian But where at ...
... {GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA}) to do so to God. Considered merely as vital acts, such thoughts proceed from the natural faculties of the mind ({ GREEK SMALL LETTER ...
... . Faith, then, personal faith, is this, the power by which one being's vitality, through love and obedience, becomes the vitality of another being. Simple enough that is ...
... in the soul, its vivacity, and permanency. 2. We may observe that the vital principle of holiness in believers, whereby they are enabled to serve God, is communicated to ...
... They maintain that the stage of infancy is supported by the soul alone, simply to promote vitality, without any intention of acquiring knowledge also, because not all things have knowledge which possess ...
... induce man to sin, by internal instigations. Because the internal movements of the soul are vital functions. Now no vital functions can be exercised except by an intrinsic principle, not even ...
... forms of Church government and forms of worship - are of human origin. If they are vital and suit the circum- stances and conditions of this age, let them be maintained; ...
... Corinthians 6:17 ), for though this union be intimate, yet it is not vital. 2. Nor that of the graft and stock ( Romans 6:5 ), ...
... tree, some branches may be fruitful, others quite barren, according as there is a vital connection between the branch and the stock, or no vital connection; so the disciples of ...
... that the flesh is moulded, but is impressed from without upon the infant before his complete vitality, but after the process of parturition. They say, moreover, that the human seed ...
... (Ge 2:7 ,) and that it is the image of this animated or vital being which we bear, 1 Co 15:48. Neither Moses nor Paul deny that ...
... also, finds his ultimate or resting place in God, who is the last element in vital and mental analysis, and also the Christian's starting point in his inductive reasonings. We realize ...
... would be pretence if the body assumed by them, which seems to live and to exercise vital functions, did not possess these functions. Therefore the angels exercise functions of life in the ...
... time, upon the conception of a single physical basis of life underlying all the diversities of vital existence; but I propose to demonstrate to you that, notwithstanding these apparent difficulties, a ...
... time, upon the conception of a single physical basis of life underlying all the diversities of vital existence; but I propose to demonstrate to you that, notwithstanding these apparent difficulties, a ...
... Mr. Dallinger. He found among the lower forms of life the most surprising and indestructible vitality. Many animals could survive much higher temperatures than Dr. Bastian had applied to annihilate them ...
... of the laws which govern it, and the phenomena which it exhibits; but what the vital principle, what life is, we seem not to have the means of knowing. There ...
... and so essentially spiritual as to be distinct from matter and separable. It is also essentially vital. The body lives, and so long as the soul inhabits it, it will continue ...
... in the mind of the recipient to certainty, that God is found as an environing and vitalizing presence- as the recipient already quoted reports his conviction: "I have met with my ...
... whole. It is this. The individual is a living part of this living whole — vitally connected with it — acting upon it and reacted upon by it — receiving good, and ...'s_love_for_persons.htm
... that which listens and obeys reason. That which does not listen or obey reason is the vital or pulsating faculty, and the spermatic or generative faculty, and the vegetative or nutritive faculty ...
... and perfect fruition. The main theme for which Paul contends in most of his epistles was vital to the life of the early church,- that its members were not to be held ...
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