1327 results found.
... Bible Sermons Psalm 75:1 The Uplifting God S. Conway Psalm 75:1 To you, O God, do we give thanks, to you do we give thanks: ...
... of man is not carried away to things divine. For some define rapture as "an uplifting by the power of a higher nature, from that which is according to nature to that ...
... Bible Sermons Ezekiel 11:25 In the Uplifted Life We are Led to the Sphere of Our Duty A. W. Welch. Ezekiel 11:25 Then I spoke to them ...
... not in the body. Objection 2: Further, a power of the soul cannot be uplifted above the soul's essence wherein it is rooted. Now in this rapture the intellect, which ...
... Bible Sermons Job 22:29 Uplifting the Fallen W.F. Adeney Job 22:29 When men are cast down, then you shall say, There is lifting up; and he ...
... truth. I answer that, "Jactantia" [boasting] seems properly to denote the uplifting of self by words: since if a man wishes to throw [jactare] a thing ...
... Bible Sermons John 12:31-33 The Uplifted Saviour J. Graham. John 12:31-33 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast ...
... Bible Sermons Ezekiel 3:14-15 In the Uplifted Life We are Fitted to Do the Lord's Work A. W. Welch. Ezekiel 3:14-15 So the spirit lifted me up ...
... Bible Sermons Psalm 25:1-3 Uplifting the Soul W. Jay. Psalm 25:1-3 To you, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.… It is not ...
... Ptolomaea: Traitors to their Friends. Friar Alberigo, Branco D' Oria. His Mouth Uplifted from his Grim Repast, that Sinner.. Divine Comedy — Dante Alighieri His mouth uplifted from ...
... Bible Sermons Psalm 75:5 The Uplifted Horn and the Stiff Neck S. Conway Psalm 75:5 Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck ...
... Bible Sermons Acts 1:9-11 The Uplifting of Jesus E. Johnson Acts 1:9-11 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; ...
... Bible Library Wherefore on the Cross Uplifted, Hymns of the Russian Church — John Brownlie 8,7 ,8 ,7 To pathei sou, Christi, pathon eleutherothemen Stichera of The ...
... , whoever rises again is promoted to a higher state, since to rise is to be uplifted. But after death Christ's body continued to be united with the Godhead, hence it could ...
... is superfluous and out of due order. 3. Further, we ought in prayer to uplift our minds to God. But by asking for temporal things in prayer our mind descends to ...
... , and I will speak to you.… I. THE WILL OF GOD IS THE UPLIFTING OF MAN. Ezekiel thought that he honoured God by falling prostrate on the ground. Be ...
... revealed and heightened. Just as men realise the grace of God will human nature itself be uplifted and all things be transfigured with it. I. The text finds an illustration in the ...
... Reconciles the Disorders of Life A. W. Welch. Ezekiel 3:12-13 In the Uplifted Life We are Fitted to Do the Lord's Work A. W. Welch. Ezekiel 3 ...
... message to come to solve the difficulty. The text is the answer. I. THE UPLIFTED SOUL, AND ITS PENALTY. What is it for a man to be lifted up? ...
... " As by a greater gladness urged and drawn They who are dancing in a ring sometimes Uplift their voices and their motions quicken; So, at that orison devout and prompt, The ...
... of Man must be lifted up. (4 ) The place where the brazen serpent was uplifted was Punon ( Numbers 33:42, 43 ), for from Punon they came to ...
... and are aware of this, become inward and enlightened men, and their highest powers are uplifted, above all exercises, into their naked being: and there, above reason, the ...
... , and vice. It may be represented as consisting in three things: 1. An uplifting sense of the Divine favour. 2. An uplifting sense of moral right. 3. ...
... there is no prayer in our praises. II. THE ELEMENT OF PRAYER FINDS EXPRESSION IN UPLIFTED HANDS. Kneeling in prayer is to a great extent a modern device. Easterns stand to ...
... , save God alone. It is called Raptus; which means, rapt away, or uplifted, or carried away. At times God grants to such men a sudden spiritual glimpse, ...