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15393 results found.

616 pages of results.
... Bible Sermons Galatians 5:16 The Positiveness of the Divine Life Phillips Brooks, D. D. Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ...
... has Replaced the Hypocrisy of Religion, Men of the Wealthy Classes Base their Justification of their Position- Through this Hypocrisy they can Enjoy the Exclusive Privileges of their Position by Force and Fraud ...
... Huxley It is now some sixteen or seventeen years since I became acquainted with the "Philosophic Positive," the "Discours sur l'Ensemble du Positivisme," and the "Politique Positive" ...
... Bible Library Whether it Belongs to Observance to Pay Worship and Honor to those who are in Positions of Dignity? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It seems that it does ...
... the intruded patriarch, in violation of all canonical order; the patriarch of Antioch (Paul's position in the Monophysite communion) owning no allegiance to the patriarch of Alexandria (ib. iv.16 ...
... epitaph of Abercius himself on the fragment of an altar-shaped tomb; the hot springs in their position near the city exactly correspond with the position of the hot springs described in the Life. ...
... Bible Library Title and Position. The Three Additions to Daniel: A Study — William Heaford Daubney TITLE. This is in general simply Sousanna, as in the true LXX. In ...
... . The Assyrians wrested from him the fortresses of Bambala and Bagdad, dislodged him from the positions where he had entrenched himself, and at length took him prisoner while in flight, and ...
... Bible Library Whether Right is Fittingly Divided into Natural Right and Positive Right? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that right is not fittingly divided into natural ...
... West what Roman Asia was in the East, the province of decisive importance, both for position and for wealth. And in this prosperous and highly civilised community the opportunities for the highest ...
... three questions which I propose to examine in this paper:- I. What was the position of the lay members of a Church in the days of the Apostles? II. What ...
... sort of right of priority over the rest.* * This conclusion is drawn from the position of eldest son given to him in all the genealogies enumerating the children of Jacob. Stade ...
... Thus far this view presents only clear, pure truth; and every effort to give sin positive, independent entity contradicts the Word and leads to Manicheism, as may be seen in the ...
... apostle's treatment of the relative duties here seems to be based are these: 1. The position of authority is also relatively, by Divine constitution, the stronger position. 2. Christ ...
... is clearer from the New Testament than that the Lord Jesus expects us to take the low position of servants. This is not just an extra obligation, which we may or may not ...
... , when he would present its bearing upon the nature of man. Starting from the initial positions, "God is Spirit," and the Logos "a Spirit born of the Father ...
... time Callistus became a power in the Roman church. To Hippolytus, who held a double position in that church [[ 92]HIPPOLYTUS], he became especially obnoxious. Being set ...
... Emancipates the Whole World from All External Authorities- The Way Out of the Present Apparently Hopeless Position is for Every Man who is Capable of Assimilating the Christian Conception of Life, to Accept ...
... are failures. In the apostle's argument valuable truths are enunciated. I. HE DEFINES MAN'S POSITION. 1. Man is the head of the woman. (Ver. 3.) ...
... obligation upon them so to do, even separate from the consideration of these rules being the positive will or command of God, and also antecedent to any respect or regard, expectation or ...
... to Serve the Government is Diminishing; and even the Servants of Government are Ashamed of their Position, and so often Do Not Perform their Duties- These Facts are all Signs of the ...
... ), the Younger, the eldest child of her parents Basil and Emmelia, by her position in the family and still more by her force of character, high intellectual gifts, and ...
... 2: Further, just as honor and worship are due to those that are in a position of dignity, so also are they due to those who excel in science and virtue. ...
... drifting heedlessly with the tide is not trust. Neglect is not trust. Trust is something positive. It is a real something, not a mere happen-so or maybe-so. It is a ...
... righteousness; the which standeth in two things: 1. In negatives; 2. In positives. 1. In negatives; to wit, what a man that is righteous must not ...
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