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Search results for: opposition

12864 results found.

515 pages of results.
... Selfishness commences when the will yields to the desire, and seeks to obey it, in opposition to the law of the intelligence. It matters not what kind of desire it is; ...
... Bible Sermons Ezra 4:4-16 The World's Opposition to the Church J.S. Exell Ezra 4:4-16 Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, ...'s_opposition_to_the_church.htm
... Bible Library Whether Prodigality is Opposite to Covetousness? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It seems that prodigality is not opposite to covetousness. For opposites cannot be together in ...
... the temple, and the holy city were about to be rebuilt, they raised a great opposition. Sanballat and the other leaders tried in several ways to divert Nehemiah and his friends, ...
... ungenerate" and "generate" as contradictories to each other, they make use of the opposition to mislead their senseless followers. For, to make the matter clearer by an illustration, ...
... very people to whom he came, and for whose benefit he laboured, joined in the opposition, so that it became the act of a united people. (3.) That ...
... and radiant, as to an old home which they had never lost. Religion has many opposites, though no contradictions. The Bible is continually speaking of the importance of joining opposites together ...
... In conjunction with a Stylite monk, Daniel, he placed himself at the head of the opposition to the emperor Basiliscus, who, after usurping the empire of the East, had issued ...
... it is absurd and impious to contemplate, in conjunction with Him Who really is, the opposite conception, whether of dissolution tending to corruption, or of non-existence before formation: but as ...
... And since Christ was ordained and given for sinners, it is certain that Predestination and its opposite, Reprobation, could have no place before human sin- its existence as foreseen by God ...
... was not long in making its appearance. It soon wakens close attention, it rouses strong opposition, it vindicates its genius and rights, and the luster of its moral victory must often ...
... men fought; it might also be compared to the armoury which furnished them with weapons. Opposite aspects of the truth which it contains were appropriated by different sides, Justified by faith without ...
... battle from the inexhaustibleness of their powers. Thus will the Manichæan heresy creep in, two opposite principles appearing with counter claims in the category of Cause, parted and opposed by reason of ...
... Spiritual Life and the Word of God — Emanuel Swedenborg I. Goods and Truths and Their Opposites The Divine good that goes forth from the Lord is united with His Divine truth, as ...
... . (1.) The one is, Can the will at the same time make opposite choices? Can it choose the highest good of being as an ultimate end, and at ...
... p.32) . All threats and violence proving vain, the bishops were banished to distant and opposite quarters of the empire; Palladius to Syene, on the extreme border of Egypt (ib ...
... that consists in the ability or power to will, either in accordance with, or in opposition to the requirements of moral law. Or in other words, true freedom or liberty of ...
... , taking it always for granted, that this will and must be understood. 10. Opposition to sin is another attribute or characteristic of true love to God. This attribute certainly is ...
... this turn at the time of Paul's first imprisonment at Rome, as appears from his own opposition to those errorists in the church at Colosse. Here, even then, the Person of ...
... on. So that the man who should, for instance, go openly and knowingly in opposition to all that list would to your thinking, and indeed mine, too, of course ...
... it cannot keep back. I understand from reading this declaration, that there is a general opposition in the world to the cause and kingdom of God; for until he saith, " ...
... it cannot keep back. I understand from reading this declaration, that there is a general opposition in the world to the cause and kingdom of God; for until he saith, " ...
... and his Scotch advisors in London, such events had transpired, and such a spirit of opposition had been aroused in Scotland by other measures, that it was deemed wise to withhold it ...
... , and that men were wise, that they understood these things! 3. Note the opposition which Christianity awakens. You may form a tolerable judgment as to the merits of a controversy ...
... the mouths of laymen entirely. They overlooked the practice of the primitive churches. So much opposition was made to this practice nearly a hundred years ago, that President Edwards actually had to ...
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