158 results found.
... Bible Library Whether the Parts of the Vegetative Soul are Fittingly Described as the Nutritive, Augmentative, and Generative? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that ...
... Bible Library Whether all Will Rise Again to Animal Life So as to Exercise the Functions of Nutrition and Generation? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that they ...
... which sum up life, which constitute the eternal distinction between the living and the dead- Nutrition and Reproduction. At one moment, in pursuance of the Struggle for Life, it will ...
... in man other souls essentially different from one another, such as the sensitive soul and the nutritive soul. For corruptible and incorruptible are not of the same substance. But the intellectual soul ...
... Bible Library Reference to the Processes of Digestion and Nutrition. The Treatise on the Resurrection of the Dead — Athenagoras But it appears to me that such persons, in the first place ...
... such acts as are subject to the command of reason. But in the acts of the nutritive and generative power, there is room for praise and blame, virtue and vice: as ...
... that there cannot be any habits in the powers of the sensitive part. For as the nutritive power is an irrational part, so is the sensitive power. But there can be no ...
... Q [76] , A [3 ] ), the intellectual, sensitive, and nutritive souls are, in substance, one soul in man. But the sensitive soul in man ...
... to a certain extent its end. Yet for some of these operations, as sensation and nutrition, our body is a necessary instrument. Hence it is clear that the sensitive and nutritive ...
... to excuse marriage. For just as the preservation of the individual which is effected by the nutritive power is intended by nature, so too is the preservation of the species which is effected ...
... . As the earliest contribution of mankind to solve its still fundamental difficulty- the problem of Nutrition- they are of enduring interest to the human race. So far from being, as ...
... caused by an angel. Objection 2: Further, the sensitive operation is nobler than the nutritive. But the angel cannot change the nutritive power, nor other natural forms. Therefore neither ...
... the power of generating their like in the individual; which power in living bodies is the nutritive power. Nothing, therefore, would be added to living bodies by their nutritive power, ...
... things, plant and animal, are two [4 ] in number. The first is Nutrition, the second is Reproduction. The first is the basis of the Struggle for Life; ...
... in Christ there are several human operations. For Christ as man communicates with plants by His nutritive soul, with the brutes by His sensitive soul, and with the angels by His intellective ...
... the vital or pulsating faculty, and the spermatic or generative faculty, and the vegetative or nutritive faculty: to this belong also the faculties of growth and bodily formation. For these are ...
... is one who makes the Divine words his continual nourishment. As there are foods which are nutritive for the body, so what is nutritive for the soul is what God says to us ...
... soul may be considered in three divisions. For one is only a power of growth and nutrition supplying what is suitable for the support of the bodies that are nourished, which is called ...
... nor worse for fornication. To expose this error Paul draws a distinction between the organs of nutrition and that body which is part of our permanent individuality, and which is to flower into ...
... like, both without and with a medium. Without a medium- -in the work of nutrition, in which flesh generates flesh: with a medium- -in the act of generation, ...
... substance of the members. Therefore the semen is taken from this. In this sense the nutritive power is said to serve the generative power: because what is transformed by the nutritive power ...
... command them. Likewise the sensitive powers are prior in this order to the powers of the nutritive soul. In the second kind of order, it is the other way about. For ...
... besides the intellectual soul; and that the soul, as it virtually contains the sensitive and nutritive souls, so does it virtually contain all inferior forms, and itself alone does whatever the ...
... but only when they are already transformed: thus food when transformed is the effect of the nutritive power; whereas food before being transformed stands in relation to the nutritive power as the matter ...
... so far, I mean, as concerns the operations of mind and sense), the nutritive part of it alone is operative during sleep, and that some shadows and echoes of those ...