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Search results for: fundamental

2477 results found.

100 pages of results.
... Bible Library Religious Education-The Fundamental Problem of To-Day The Origin & Permanent Value of the Old Testament — Charles Foster Kent [Sidenote: The practical realization of these possibilities] This ...
... used for practical purposes, to gather to itself instruments and institutions. The permanence of great fundamental truths, and the infinite variability of the exponents of truth, in the form of law ...
... morals, those first written in men's hearts, are the essentials, the indispensable, and fundamental points or doctrines of the gospel (p.8, 281, 282) .2. That ...
... category about which men differ, and may differ; as also do what are called "fundamental doctrines." Fundamental to what? That is the question. The doctrines which are fundamental ...
... Bible Library But the Truth Is, You have Only Heard These Fundamental Matters.. The Way to Divine Knowledge — William Law But the truth is, you have only heard these fundamental ...
... Bible Library Fundamental Principles in Sunday School Work with Boys The Boy and the Sunday School — John L. Alexander Five fundamental principles must be kept in mind when work with boys in ...
... of argument demand volumes for their adequate illustration. Let me take one or two of the fundamental elements of Christianity, and look at their adaptation to make men holy. I. THE ...
... Bible Sermons Hebrews 6:1-3 Of the Fundamentals of Christianity S. Clarke, D. D. Hebrews 6:1-3 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let ...
... Bible Sermons Matthew 7:12 The Golden Rule a Fundamental Law D. Swing. Matthew 7:12 Therefore all things whatever you would that men should do to you, do ...
... Bible Library Fundamental Oneness of the Dispensations. The Expositor's Bible: The Epistle to the Hebrews — Thomas Charles Edwards Hebrews iii. i-iv.13 (R.V.) . "Wherefore, holy ...
... Bible Library The Unspeakable Doctrine of the Fundamental Epistle. writings in connection with the Manichæan controversy — St. Augustine For they even say that Adam, the first man, was created ...
... Bible Library Here are Two Most Important and Fundamental Truths Fully Demonstrated.. An Humble, Affectionate, and Earnest Address to the Clergy — William Law Here are two most important and fundamental ...
... hand, and of the nations with whom the Hebrews came in contact on the other. Fundamental to all religious thinking is the conception of Deity. The origin of the Babylonian conception of ...
... reference to its agreement with the second and third; thirdly, in reference to a few fundamental principles necessary to the clearness of this question. In the first place, then, if ...
... laid the foundation, and another builds thereon … I. THE TEXT ESTABLISHES A DISTINCTION BETWEEN FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE AND THAT WHICH IS NOT FUNDAMENTAL. It speaks of the foundation which must be laid ...
... a note which runs through all the prophetic teaching of the Old Testament. There was a fundamental antagonism between those who saw the service of God in the inherited ritual and sacrificial action, ...
... differed totally from what was presented by the Prophet of Nazareth. Thus, what is the fundamental divergence between the two may be said to have existed long before the events which finally divided ...
... faith. We certainly owe it to ourselves and to all men, to consider seriously the fundamental principles of prayer disclosed to His disciples in answer to their request, " . . . ...
... was wholly selfish, here is the refutation at the very start. One of the two fundamental activities of all life, whether plant or animal, is Other-regarding. It is not said ...
... principles which, taken together, constitute the primitive theory of sacrifice, which make up the fundamental idea of it, however little prehistoric man may have been capable of giving distinct and logical ...
... principles which, taken together, constitute the primitive theory of sacrifice, which make up the fundamental idea of it, however little prehistoric man may have been capable of giving distinct and logical ...
... to the character and government of God; and the consistent defenders of it cannot but hold fundamentally false views in respect to what constitutes holiness or virtue, either in God or man. ...
... our life ( Matthew 7:16 ) . II. SHALL SUPERFICIAL SIGNS MAY INDICATE GREAT FUNDAMENTAL DISTINCTIONS. The test of the "Shibboleth" has been much misunderstood, as though it ...
... 2, where the mountains serve only to give greater solemnity to the scene (in the fundamental passages Deut. xxxii.1, and in Is.1, 2, "heaven and earth" are ...
... salvation, circumcision became a national, not a religious principle. Now this whole question was fundamentally a question about Christ. Men who believed, or were willing to grant, that the ...
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