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Search results for: expansion

1284 results found.

52 pages of results.
... Bible Library Whether Expansion is an Effect of Pleasure? Summa Theologica — Saint Thomas Aquinas Objection 1: It would seem that expansion is not an effect of pleasure. For expansion seems ...
... Bible Sermons 1 Corinthians 13:11 Expansion of Mind Scientific Illustration 1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child ...
... Bible Sermons Philippians 4:8-9 Expansiveness of Christian Life A. Macleod, D. D. Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are ...
... Bible Sermons 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 Heart Expansion Caleb Morris. 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 O you Corinthians, our mouth is open to you, our heart is enlarged.… ...
... sky. To the ancient Hebrew the sky seemed a vast, outstretched, concave surface or expansion, in which the stars were fastened, and over which the ethereal waters were stored. ...
... Bible Sermons Mark 4:26-29 Life Expansion F. W. Robertson. Mark 4:26-29 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should ...
... So simply the Greek; the longer Hebrew title, verses 1, 2 may be an expansion by an editor, who took vii.1-15 as reporting the same speech as xxvi.1 ff. In ...
... Albert Barnes Verse 6. And before the throne there was a sea of glass. An expanse spread out like a sea composed of glass: that is, that was pellucid and transparent ...
... is the death of the heart, and it is a falling away from God. The expansion, the peace of heart through lively faith in Him, prove more clearly than the day ...
... places. See this language explained in Barnes "Isa 34:4 " . Sometimes the expanse above us is spoken of as a curtain that is spread out and that may be rolled ...
... , but we now repeat it to refresh the memory. And over the extension, or expansion, of abominations he shall cause astonishment, or stupefaction; and even to consumption and determination ...
... divide the waters from the waters.… The second day's work is the forming of an expanse or heaven in the creature, by which the hitherto unbounded waters are divided from the waters ...
... a height, unless by degrees. On this account, the Prophet described to us the expansion of the heavens. He now adds, there was a likeness of a throne above the ...
... use it as meaning education by the people. The urgent point at present is that these expansive educators do not avoid the violence of authority an inch more than the old school masters. ...
... but the stream still runs on. The difference is in the measurement, degree, and expansion. Now what has been the fact in regard to the Holy Ghost under this dispensation? ...
... are borne wherever he commands them. This is the reason why they were placed under the expanse where God's throne was As far as the expanse is concerned, it is the noun which ...
... any miserable parochial barriers. Good news of this character is, in its very nature, expansive — universal. "We do not well," which being interpreted means, we are ...
... so that he could look into heaven. In heaven. Or, rather, in the expanse above- in the visible heavens as they appear to spread out over the earth. So ...
... heavenly sphere, celebrate this august Sovereign with lofty and sacred strains of praise. The vast expanse of heaven, like an azure veil, is interposed between those without, and those who ...
... the Latins have imitated in the term, firmamentum; [59] for literally it means expanse. And to this David alludes when he says that the heavens are stretched out by God ...
... a great deal today about Imperialism, about "the Greater Britain," about "the expansion of England." And on one side all that new atmosphere of feeling is good, ...
... view of God's love, and that love comes into our hearts, what follows? The expansion of our own affections. It is a common saying, and a perfectly true one, ...
... the Prophet himself into heaven with outstretched hand. Above the heads of the living creatures an expansion was spread out Here another participle is used, ntvy, netvi, signifying "extended, ...
... the light, and the air, were assimilated to build up the herb. III. EXPANSION. The statue does not grow. The mountain does not expand. Growth is a quality ...
... , though familiar to us in our more peaceful days, where there was no hindrance to expansion by encircling ramparts, no crowding together of the people because they needed to hide behind the ...
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