1031 results found.
... Bible Sermons Genesis 1:1 The Creative Laws and the Scripture Revelation S. Kellogg, D. D. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the ...
... literatures, advances the claim: "That the universe rises out of nothing by the almighty creative power of God is a thought so broad in its poetic as well as in its theological ...
... this expression includes all the works found in heaven and on earth as a result of the creative work thus described. "Host" (tsabha') may refer to the stars; ...
... Bible Sermons Hebrews 1:10-12 The Glory of Christ in His Creative Power J.S. Bright Hebrews 1:10-12 And, You, Lord, in the beginning have laid the foundation ...
... Bible Library But God the Father was Very Merciful: He Sent his Creative Word.. The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching — Irenæus But God the Father was very merciful: He sent ...
... world and all our woe. I. Throughout the Scriptures CHRIST IS SET FORTH AS THE CREATIVE WORD AND WISDOM OF GOD. Without Him was not anything made that was made. By ...
... of the Creator of all things, and that in union (through faith) with the creative Word, by means of faith, you can yourself be a material and spiritual creator. ...
... as the act is timeless) stands in some relation to it. If the Godhead acts creatively, then It is related to the world and sphere of creation: eternally to the sphere ...
... its hollow for the seas, its span for the heavens! What sublime poetry descriptive of creative skill! The illustrations are taken from primitive life. The truest poetry comes from primitive simplicity ...
... from all his work which he had made.… I. THE DIVINE COMPLETION OF HIS CREATIVE WORK. No further creations. II. THE DIVINE CONTEMPLATION OF HIS CREATIVE WORK. Everything ...
... their production. They are, therefore, His creations; and owe their existence to His creative fiat. I wish I could stay to point out the many striking consequences which flow from ...
... 1. One thing which should give us hope is the fact that after every great and creative epoch in history, there comes necessarily a period of pause. The human mind cannot always ...
... God," and the "firstborn." He makes God known to us by his creative power, and by the same power in creation shows that he is exalted over all things ...
... being both active and passive; nor, again, are other such theories proposed concerning the creative cause as it is not lawful to speak of. And yet God does not stand in ...
... the whole way to the contents of creation, yet still we do not doubt that the creative power has assigned to all of them their limits and that they do not stretch beyond creation ...
... the Divine Spirit, viz. the Divine operations, the worship, the originating and inexhaustible creativeness and the ministration of the bountiful gifts. And, methinks, that none of those nurtured ...
... . (1 ) "In Him all things were made," i.e., the creative energy not only passed through Him, as the volume of a river's waters passes through its ...
... step is to conceive, as best we may, what this great first Cause, this creative and ruling Power, is like. Accordingly, we look around us to find that which ...
... . But they give more than they receive; the outward suggestion only excites to action their creative energy; and men of reflective and receptive, rather than creative minds, by inciting the ...
... in all its activities? What is reason but a constructive force? What imagination but a creative faculty? Our physical members are also formed for creative action. Take the hand, and ...
... world was not the result of the omnipotent act of a moment, but of the Divine creative energy working (as we ever still see it working) through gradual processes, through successive ...
... the infinite elevation above their monstrosities and puerilities, of this solemn, steadfast attribution of the creative act to the one God. Here we can only draw out in brief the main points ...
... it is but a particle of dust; in glory, but a flitting ray of the creative sun. And when we look at it from a moral point of view, as fallen ...
... there is no God; but they tell us that they have abandoned "the conception of creative acts," and that "matter is the universal mother who brings forth all things as ...
... must all accept the responsibility of this intellectual violence. Education is violent; because it is creative. It is creative because it is human. It is as reckless as playing on the ...