Strong's Hebrew
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Search results for: loneliness

2 entries found. Showing up to 25.
... above); as wailing (simile of mourning) Micah 1:8 (" " תַּנִּים); symbolic of loneliness Job 30:29 (׳ יַעֲ ׳ אָח הָיִיתִי לְתַנִּים וְרֵעַ לב); of desolation, as dwelling among ...
... :11 ; Zephaniah 2:14 , as inhabiting ruins; construct קְאַת מִדְכָּר Psalm 102:7 , simile of loneliness. קַב see I. קבב. Below I. קבב ( of following; compare Arabic arch, dome ( ...

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