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Search results for: surrender

52 results found.

3 pages of results.
... overran Asia Minor and oppressed the Greek colonies, the Chians showed a Pan-Hellenic spirit. They surrendered, however, to Cyrus in 546 B.C. Nevertheless, 46 years later they joined in ...
... under Cestius Gallus (BJ, II, xix, 1) . Along with Jamnia it surrendered to Vespasian (BJ, IV, viii, 1) . After the fall of Jerusalem ...
... ) . After the battle of Pydba in 168 B.C. Berea was the first city to surrender to Rome and fell in the third of the four regions into which Macedonia was divided ( ...
... ., but it was quickly rebuilt and regained its importance. In 334 B.C. it surrendered to Alexander the Great who gave it independence, but its period of independence was brief, ...
... were by a feint drawn into the plain, where they were defeated, and the city surrendered. A tradition which can be traced to the 4th century A.D. places the scene of ...
... under Cestius Gallus (BJ, II, xix, 1) . Along with Jamnia it surrendered to Vespasian (BJ, IV, viii, 1) . After the fall of Jerusalem ...
... , and he inquired of Yahweh whether, if Saul came, the men of Keilah would surrender him to save that city; hearing from Yahweh, "They will deliver thee up, ...
... Sepphoris, Tiberias was the capital of Galilee under Agrippa I and the Roman procurators. It surrendered to Vespasian, and was given by Nero to Agrippa II, Sepphoris again becoming the capital ...
... of the places referred to by Sennacherib's Rabshakeh when delivering that king's message to Hezekigh demanding the surrender of Jerusalem. The names which precede are Gozan and Haran; and "the children of ...
... were by a feint drawn into the plain, where they were defeated, and the city surrendered. A tradition which can be traced to the 4th century A.D. places the scene of ...
... found refuge at the court of Indabigas, king of Elam. Assur-bani-apli at once demanded his surrender, but civil war in Elam broke out, in which Indabigas was slain, and Ummanaldas ...
... death, and others imprisoned (ibid., 5) . A party in the city surrendered it to Vespasian, who placed a garrison there (BJ, IV, vii, 3 ...
... and sought refuge with the Assyrian king. Te-umman immediately sent two messengers to Assur-bani-apli demanding the surrender of the fugitives. This was refused, and war broke out between the two countries immediately ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
... City 35. Judas' Death (161 B.C.) 36. Jonathan's Restorations 37. Surrender of City to Antiochus Sidetes (134 B.C.) 38. Hasmonean Buildings 39. Rome's ...
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