17 results found.
... DESTRUCTION de-struk' shun `ir ha-herec; (Septuagint Base-dek): In his prediction of the future return of Egypt to Yahweh, Isaiah declares, "In that day there shall be five ...
... :30-34 ) . Impulsively he snatched an immediate and sensual gratification at the forfeit of a future glory. Thus he lost the headship of the people through whom God's redemptive purpose was to ...
... to anyone who believes in the personality of God and in His power either to foreknow the future or to direct at His will the secondary causes with which man has to deal in Nature ...
... read ( Joshua 8:30 ; compare Deuteronomy 27:11 ) . In all the future, therefore, this mountain, towering aloft in the very heart of the land, would ...
... temple still retained much of its old fame, and in 69 A.D. Titus, the future emperor of Rome, turned aside on his journey to Jerusalem, which he was to capture ...
... After the time of David, Bethlehem would appear to have sunk into insignificance. But its future fame is pointed at by Micah ( Micah 5:2 ): "But thou, ...
... to anyone who believes in the personality of God and in His power either to foreknow the future or to direct at His will the secondary causes with which man has to deal in Nature ...
... read ( Joshua 8:30 ; compare Deuteronomy 27:11 ) . In all the future, therefore, this mountain, towering aloft in the very heart of the land, would ...
... After the time of David, Bethlehem would appear to have sunk into insignificance. But its future fame is pointed at by Micah ( Micah 5:2 ): "But thou, ...
... After the time of David, Bethlehem would appear to have sunk into insignificance. But its future fame is pointed at by Micah ( Micah 5:2 ): "But thou, ...
... most devoted supporters in their subject states. This interference of Rome in the interest of her future partisans paved the way for her annexation of the island in the following century. From this ...
... harbor, the best in all Egypt. Before Alexander died (323 B.C.) the future of the city as the commercial metropolis of the world was assured and here the golden casket ...
... . THE CIVILIZATION 1. Language 2. Writing 3. Literature 4. Four Views of Future Life 5. Four Groups of Gods 6. Foreign Gods 7. Laws 8. Character ...
... After the time of David, Bethlehem would appear to have sunk into insignificance. But its future fame is pointed at by Micah ( Micah 5:2 ): "But thou, ...
... being deposited at the bottom of the lake from the present saturated solution to appear in some future age in the wreck of progressive geological changes. The salts of the Dead Sea, like ...
... being deposited at the bottom of the lake from the present saturated solution to appear in some future age in the wreck of progressive geological changes. The salts of the Dead Sea, like ...
... to anyone who believes in the personality of God and in His power either to foreknow the future or to direct at His will the secondary causes with which man has to deal in Nature ...