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Search results for: energy

13 results found.
... the Egyptians. Pompey made it a free city in 64 B.C. in return for its energy in resisting Tigranes (Pliny, NH, v.18), and it was then greatly improved ...
... became the university city of the Roman world, and from her radiated spiritual light and intellectual energy to Tarsus, Antioch and Alexandria. Philo, the Jew, declares that the Athenians were ...
... Edom under Saul ( 1 Samuel 14:47 ) . David prosecuted the war with terrific energy, slaying 18,000 Edomites (so read instead of "Syrians") in the ...
... commend it for the absence of extremes of heat and cold, as favorable for intelligence and energy. But owing to the inequalities of its surface, to the height of its mountains and ...
... a large proportion of Israelites. It was no doubt among these that Josiah exercised his reforming energy ( 2 Kings 23:19 2 Chronicles 34:6 f ) . Here also must ...
... the first ruler of the newly founded state than he set about managing its affairs with the energy for which he was distinguished ( 1 Kings 11:28 ) . To complete the disruption ...
... , the Thasian settlers either driven out or reinforced, and the mines, worked with characteristic energy, produced over 1,000 talents a year (Diodorus xvi.8) and enabled Philip to ...
... next thirty years Assyria made no further advance westward. Hazael was able to devote all his energies to his western neighbors, and Israel suffered severely at his hands. In 803 Mari' ...
... Edom under Saul ( 1 Samuel 14:47 ) . David prosecuted the war with terrific energy, slaying 18,000 Edomites (so read instead of "Syrians") in the ...
... in ancient times by the Greeks who came later, the former being the pioneers. The energy and daring of the Phoenicians in pushing out into unknown seas, with the imperfect means at ...
... a large proportion of Israelites. It was no doubt among these that Josiah exercised his reforming energy ( 2 Kings 23:19 2 Chronicles 34:6 f ) . Here also must ...
... weather, left the population free from labor during the enervating season, and only required their energies when work was possible under favorable conditions. At the same time it gave a great opportunity ...
... next thirty years Assyria made no further advance westward. Hazael was able to devote all his energies to his western neighbors, and Israel suffered severely at his hands. In 803 Mari' ...

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