27 results found.
... his servants, for the use of which the herdsmen of Gerar strove with them-"contention" ( Genesis 26:20 ) . It lay in the neighborhood of Rehoboth and Gerar ...
... hand of the Amorites, to cause us to perish? I wish that we had been content and lived beyond the Jordan! Encyclopedia SHEBARIM sheb' a-rim, she-ba' rim (ha-shebharim; sunetripsan ...
... mainly derived from Babylonia. Assur-bani-pal employed agents to ransack the libraries of Babylonia and send their contents to Nineveh, where his library was filled with scribes who busied themselves in copying and editing ...
... clerical error for Sychem (Epistle 86) . In Eusebius (in Onomasticon) he is content to translate Eusebius, placing Sychar East of Neapolis. It is now generally admitted that the ...
... . "One may call this place the ambition of nature; . it is a happy contention of the seasons, as if each of them claimed this country; for it not only ...
... it is probable that Professor Ellsworth Huntington (loc. cit.) is right in his contention that a change of climate has had much to do with the rise and fall of civilization ...
... appearance a term introduced by the Kassite rulers) . Nabonassar and his successors seem to have contented themselves with the title "king of Babylon," rule in the city implying also the ...
... and his confederates dared not go to Gihon, the original sacred spring, but had to content themselves with a spot more secluded, though doubtless still sacred. It is recorded ( 1 ...
... should have superseded anything but a very important city of earlier times." We must be content to leave the question open meantime. W. Ewing ...
... and his confederates dared not go to Gihon, the original sacred spring, but had to content themselves with a spot more secluded, though doubtless still sacred. It is recorded ( 1 ...
... to attack Bichri at once. Joab went with this expedition. Obviously he could never be content with a second place. The force of Amasa was met at "the great stone of ...
... as that on the East. Some have held that it included the Philistine plain. This contention draws support from the mention of the Philistine cities immediately after those of Judah, which are ...
... it suffered in the time of Ochus. It perhaps looked upon the advance of Alexander with content as its avenger. The destruction of Tyre increased the importance of Sidon, and after the ...
... Little stress can therefore be laid upon their identifications. With our present knowledge we must be content to leave the question open. W. Ewing MORI'AH, MT. the part of Jerusalem ...
... should have superseded anything but a very important city of earlier times." We must be content to leave the question open meantime. W. Ewing RAMOTH-GILEAD, a Levitical city of Gad ...
... should have superseded anything but a very important city of earlier times." We must be content to leave the question open meantime. W. Ewing ...
... ; Ailam; Jeremiah 49:36 . Codex Sinaiticus the original scribe' reads Elam) Contents 1. Geographical Position and Names 2. Surface Configuration 3. Mountain Ranges 4. Rivers ...
... down to Seleucia. From there they sailed to Cyprus. Acts 15:39 Then the contention grew so sharp that they separated from each other. Barnabas took Mark with him, and ...
... an importance far in excess of its size or productivity, and made it a subject of contention whenever East and West were ruled by different powers. 4. History: (1 ) ...
... to attack Bichri at once. Joab went with this expedition. Obviously he could never be content with a second place. The force of Amasa was met at "the great stone of ...
... it is probable that Professor Ellsworth Huntington (loc. cit.) is right in his contention that a change of climate has had much to do with the rise and fall of civilization ...
... discovery of Aramaic papyri at Assouan, the Syene of the ancients. The papyri were the contents of a deed box of a member of a Jewish colony in upper Egypt, and the ...
... it suffered in the time of Ochus. It perhaps looked upon the advance of Alexander with content as its avenger. The destruction of Tyre increased the importance of Sidon, and after the ...
... an importance far in excess of its size or productivity, and made it a subject of contention whenever East and West were ruled by different powers. 4. History: (1 ) ...
... an importance far in excess of its size or productivity, and made it a subject of contention whenever East and West were ruled by different powers. 4. History: (1 ) ...