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Search results for: world

106 results found.

5 pages of results.
... let them know that thou art God, the only God, and glorious over the whole world. And let them know that thou art God, the only God, and glorious over ...
... forsakers of God, and to an unjust king, and the most wicked in all the world. And thou didst deliver us into the hands of lawless enemies, most hateful forsakers of ...
... them, and their God be for them, and we become a reproach before all the world. But if there be no iniquity in their nation, let my lord now pass by ...
... be punished, and when: but enquire how the righteous shall be saved, whose the world is, and for whom the world is created. ...
... Jeremiah 6:62 Parallel Verses And when God commandeth the clouds to go over the whole world, they do as they are bidden. And when God commandeth the clouds to go over ...
... , are become less than any nation, and be kept under this day in all the world because of our sins. For we, O Lord, are become less than any nation ...
... Apocrypha 2 Esdras 6:59 2 Esdras 6:59 Parallel Verses If the world now be made for our sakes, why do we not possess an inheritance with the world? ...
... :1 Parallel Verses And he answered me, saying, The most High hath made this world for many, but the world to come for few. ...
... 24 Wisdom of Solomon 18:24 Parallel Verses For in the long garment was the whole world, and in the four rows of the stones was the glory of the fathers graven, ...
... place, and to the majesty and inviolable sanctity of the temple, honoured over all the world. And that it was altogether impossible that such wrongs should be done unto them, that ...
... 7 Wisdom of Solomon 1:7 Parallel Verses For the Spirit of the Lord filleth the world: and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice. For the Spirit of ...
... that they knew not the things which were good; but also left behind them to the world a memorial of their foolishness: so that in the things wherein they offended they could not ...
... Greek) 6:4 Parallel Verses Declared unto us, that in all nations throughout the world there was scattered a certain malicious people, that had laws contrary to ail nations, and ...
... 5:20 Parallel Verses His severe wrath shall he sharpen for a sword, and the world shall fight with him against the unwise. His severe wrath shall he sharpen for a sword ...
... 21 Wisdom of Solomon 14:21 Parallel Verses And this was an occasion to deceive the world: for men, serving either calamity or tyranny, did ascribe unto stones and stocks the ...
... and thy temple, with great honour, so that your honour shall be known throughout the world. Furthermore, when we have obtained our kingdom, we will honour thee, and thy ...
... :15 Parallel Verses Wherefore Judas with his company, calling upon the great Lord of the world, who without rams or engines of war did cast down Jericho in the time of Joshua ...
... Maccabees 13:14 Parallel Verses So when he had committed all to the Creator of the world, and exhorted his soldiers to fight manfully, even unto death, for the laws, ...
... :22 2 Maccabees 2:22 Parallel Verses And recovered again the temple renowned all the world over, and freed the city, and upheld the laws which were going down, the ...
... Maccabees 7:23 2 Maccabees 7:23 Parallel Verses But doubtless the Creator of the world, who formed the generation of man, and found out the beginning of all things, ...
... Thou like a fury takest us out of this present life, but the King of the world shall raise us up, who have died for his laws, unto everlasting life. And ...
... at a beck can cast down both them that come against us, and also all the world. For they, said he, trust in their weapons and boldness; but our confidence ...
... Yea, and that also he would become a Jew himself, and go through all the world that was inhabited, and declare the power of God. Yea, and that also he ...
... , that he should not know him, that his powerful works might be known to the world. The Lord hardened Pharaoh, that he should not know him, that his powerful works ...
... Sira) 18:3 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 18:3 Parallel Verses Who governeth the world with the palm of his hand, and all things obey his will: for he is ...
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