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Search results for: art
104 results found.
5 pages of results.
... 15 2 Esdras 7:15 Parallel Verses Now therefore why disquietest thou thyself, seeing thou art but a corruptible man? and why art thou moved, whereas thou art but mortal? ...
... Apocrypha Tobit 5:13 Tobit 5:13 Parallel Verses Then Tobit said, Thou art welcome, brother; be not now angry with me, because I have enquired to know ...
... Esdras 15:46 2 Esdras 15:46 Parallel Verses And thou, Asia, that art partaker of the hope of Babylon, and art the glory of her person: ...
... Apocrypha 2 Esdras 10:57 2 Esdras 10:57 Parallel Verses For thou art blessed above many other, and art called with the Highest; and so are but few. ...
... Baruch 3:10 Baruch 3:10 Parallel Verses How happeneth it Israel, that thou art in thine enemies' land, that thou art waxen old in a strange country, that ...
... came unto her, they blessed her with one accord, and said unto her, Thou art the exaltation of Jerusalem, thou art the great glory of Israel, thou art the great ...
... Apocrypha Judith 11:3 Judith 11:3 Parallel Verses But now tell me wherefore thou art fled from them, and art come unto us: for thou art come for safeguard; ...
... (Sira) 27:23 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 27:23 Parallel Verses When thou art present, he will speak sweetly, and will admire thy words: but at the last ...
... them gods, which are the works of men's hands, gold and silver, to shew art in, and resemblances of beasts, or a stone good for nothing, the work of ...
... 30 Parallel Verses And when he saw that mighty army, he prayed and said, Blessed art thou, O Saviour of Israel, who didst quell the violence of the mighty man by ...
... Solomon 17:7 Wisdom of Solomon 17:7 Parallel Verses As for the illusions of art magick, they were put down, and their vaunting in wisdom was reproved with disgrace. ...
... toward it was not saved by the thing that he saw, but by thee, that art the Saviour of all. For he that turned himself toward it was not saved by the ...
... :19 1 Maccabees 10:19 Parallel Verses We have heard of thee, that thou art a man of great power, and meet to be our friend. We have heard of ...
... Parallel Verses Then answered the king's officers, and said to Mattathias on this wise, Thou art a ruler, and an honourable and great man in this city, and strengthened with sons ...
... was after this manner; O Lord, Lord God, Creator of all things, who art fearful and strong, and righteous, and merciful, and the only and gracious King, ...
... , look upon them that are despised and abhorred, and let the heathen know that thou art our God. Gather those together that are scattered from us, deliver them that serve among ...
... Then looked he unto the king, and said, Thou hast power over men, thou art corruptible, thou doest what thou wilt; yet think not that our nation is forsaken of ...
... 25 Parallel Verses When thou hast enough, remember the time of hunger: and when thou art rich, think upon poverty and need. When thou hast enough, remember the time of ...
... 3 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 20:3 Parallel Verses How good is it, when thou art reproved, to shew repentance! for so shalt thou escape wilful sin. How good is ...
... And if his understanding fail, have patience with him; and despise him not when thou art in thy full strength. And if his understanding fail, have patience with him; and ...
... Sira) 3:18 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 3:18 Parallel Verses The greater thou art, the more humble thyself, and thou shalt find favour before the Lord. The greater ...
... ) 32:3 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 32:3 Parallel Verses Speak, thou that art the elder, for it becometh thee, but with sound judgment; and hinder not musick ...
... Aaron over thy people, that all they which dwell upon the earth may know that thou art the Lord, the eternal God. O Lord, hear the prayer of thy servants, ...
... (Sira) 41:4 Ecclesiasticus (Sira) 41:4 Parallel Verses And why art thou against the pleasure of the most High? there is no inquisition in the grave, ...
... Verses The remembrance of Josias is like the composition of the perfume that is made by the art of the apothecary: it is sweet as honey in all mouths, and as musick at ...
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