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Search results for: senate

291 results found.

12 pages of results.
... Bible Topical Senator Senator Jump to: ISBE • Webster's • Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) A member ...
... Bible Topical Senators Senators Jump to: Concordance • Thesaurus • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Library How the Senators Determined to Restore the Democracy; but the .. .. ...
... Bible Topical Senate Senate Jump to: ATS • ISBE • Easton's • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources ATS Bible Dictionary Senate Acts 5 ...
... CONSTITUTION 1. Original Roman State 2. The Struggle between Patricians and Plebeians 3. The Senate and Magistrates 4. Underlying Principles II. EXTENSION OF ROMAN SOVEREIGNTY III. THE IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT ...
... . Besides, there were six tribuni militum, officers of equestrian rank (usually sons of senators who had not yet held the quaestorship) in each legion. The centurions who commanded the ...
... . ATS Bible Dictionary Sanhedrin Or BETHDIN , house of judgment, was a council of seventy senators among the Jews, usually with the addition of the high priest as president, who determined ...
... him their privileges of self-government and right of election, became chief (princeps) of the senate and high priest (pontifex maximus), so that he could manipulate even the will of ...
... . .. For if any plebeian should be permitted by the party himself to call a senator of more advanced age father; without doubt he would tremble, and would not .. ...
... , of bills ratified by the people (leges), but usually of enactments of the senate (senatus consulta), or imperial ordinances. The latter, which eventually prevailed to the ...
... . (See RSV) Thesaurus Sena'ah (2 Occurrences) Sena'ah. Senaah, Sena'ah. Senate . Multi-Version Concordance Sena'ah (2 Occurrences) . Ezra 2:35 The children of Senaah ...'ah.htm
... an ambassador to Rhodes, 153 B.C. A Titus Memmius had been an envoy of the senate to Achaia and Macedonia before the date of this letter (Livy xliii.5) . None of ...
... him their privileges of self-government and right of election, became chief (princeps) of the senate and high priest (pontifex maximus), so that he could manipulate even the will of ...
... , of bills ratified by the people (leges), but usually of enactments of the senate (senatus consulta), or imperial ordinances. The latter, which eventually prevailed to the ...
... like the idea of excluding his son Britannicus from power, and murmurs were heard among the senate and people. Delay might prove fatal to Agrippina's plans, so (9 ) Claudius must ...
... . To Paula. .. Imperial Rome consents to his condemnation, and even convenes a senate to censure him, [756] not"as the rabid hounds who now pursue him ...
... Standard Bible Encyclopedia ANTIPATER an-tip' a-ter (Antipatros): One of two envoys sent by the senate of the Jews to the Romans and Spartans (1 Maccabees 12:16; 14: ...
... council of elders .. Word Origin from geron Definition a council of elders NASB Word Usage Senate (1 ) . .. From geron; the eldership, ie (collectively) the ...
... even in ships of papyrus on the waters. .. /s /smooth-skinned.htm - 7k Senator .. Originally, like the gerousia of the Jews, the representatives of families and clans ...
... the emperor Titus. It was erected after his death, A.D. 91, by the senate and people of Rome. It was a magnificent structure, decorated with bas-reliefs and inscriptions, ...
... .) The temple of Jupiter, at Rome, on the Mona Capitolinus, where the Senate met. 2. (n.) The edifice at Washington occupied by the Congress of ...
... "judgment, " perhaps, in Matthew 5 .. /c /council.htm - 24k Senate (1 Occurrence) .. Sanhedrin. Noah Webster's Dictionary. 1. (n. ...
... place on an anniversary day. Library It was the Fifth Anniversary of that Resolution of the Senate .. .. CHAPTER 9 It was the fifth anniversary of that resolution of the senate ...
... intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; Library How the Senators Determined to Restore the Democracy; but the .. .. CHAPTER 2. How The ...
... /6193.htm - 6k Library And by this Stratagem it was that I Gradually Got all the Senate .. .. Section 34. And by this stratagem it was that I gradually got ...
... became a Roman colony under Caracalla. Subsequently, in the reign of Gallienus, the Roman senate invested Odenathus, a senator of Palmyra, with the regal dignity, on account of his ...
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