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Search results for: devilish

41 results found.

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... Bible Topical Devilish Devilish Jump to: Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (a.) Resembling, ...
... "This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual [natural], devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion, and every evil work. ...
... (a.) Pertaining to, or characteristic of, a demon or evil spirit; devilish; as, a demoniac being; demoniacal practices. 2. (a.) Influenced ...
... Also. .. .. Lo, already not only do ye abstain from murders, devilish sacrifices and abominations, thefts, rapines, frauds, perjuries, drunkennesses, and all luxury ...
... -odes (suff. denoting similarity) Definition demon-like NASB Word Usage demonic (1 ) . devilish. .. // - 7k 4075. petrodes- rock-like ...
... (" demonic"), ie resembling a demon or influenced by one; demoniacal, devilish, "such as even .. // - 7k 954 ...
... their estates on their hawks and hounds, on their whores, and earthly, sensual, devilish pleasures, than comfort , nourish, or relieve .. / ../whitefield/selected ...
... Library And Some Indeed, who are Used to Excuse their Own Sins.. .. whose devilish devices the undoubted truth most easily overthrows; which confesses that the nature of God is incapable ...
... of the Serpent .. were now dead to God, and became earthly, sensual, devilish: therefore, instead of applying to God for mercy, "they sewed or platted fig-leaves ...
... . .. They, therefore, who are wicked, evildoers, carnal, fleshly, devilish, think that they receive at the hands of their seducers what are the gifts of God ...
... Jews.. .. Pilate therefore was enraged, and said: Always has your nation been devilish [1895] and unbelieving; and ever have you been adversaries to your benefactors. . ...
... against the heathen/24 be it so let.htm The Way to the Sea .. the devilish beauty of their music. The vanquished would not taste the nice death of a spitted heart ...
... . But if it be goaded on and inflamed with deceitful visions and unclean incentives by the devilish spirit, associated and conspiring therewith in malignant .. // ...
... Keelin, Justice .. .. conditions, he hath (since such a time) devilishly and perniciously abstained from coming to church to hear Divine service, and is a common upholder ...
... into.htm Profanations of Good and Truth .. The domain opposite to the celestial kingdom is called devilish, and the domain opposite to the spiritual kingdom is called infernal. .. / .. ...
... know his children. For he that hath the devil to his father, must needs have devilish children. .. / ../latimer/sermons on the card and other discourses/ ...
... Library Entire Sanctification as Taught by James and Jude. .. a wisdom which is "devilish" and if a man is enticed to sin by the natural depravity of his heart, ...
... are Such, as that in the Rest of Your Conduct Also. .. .. devilish sacrifices and abominations, thefts, rapines, frauds, perjuries, drunkennesses, and all luxury ...
... of flight on principle comes a short (23) but weighty rebuke of persecution as inherently devilish to de diokein diabolikon .. / ../select works and letters or athanasius/introduction ...
... .. No, they were now dead to God, and became earthly, sensual, devilish: therefore, instead of applying to God for mercy, "they sewed or platted fig-leaves ...
... after the filthy tobacco chewers who not only defiled the floor, but sometimes, from sheer devilishness, would besmear the walls .. / ../the heroic women of early indiana methodism ...
... James 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. (Root in KJV ASV DBY RSV NIV) James 4:7 Be subject therefore ...
... (" demonic"), ie resembling a demon or influenced by one; demoniacal, devilish, "such as even devils act or .. // ...
... (n.) One desperate or hopeless. .. /d /desperate.htm - 9k Devilish (1 Occurrence) .. Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (a.) Resembling, ...
... James 3:15 This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in ...
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