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Search results for: countenance

616 results found.

25 pages of results.
... Bible Topical Countenance Countenance Jump to: ISBE • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (v ...
... Bible Topical Countenances Countenances Jump to: Concordance • Thesaurus • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Library Matt. v. 27, 28 .. business to be curious about bright ...
... 14:20 Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passeth: thou changest his countenance, and sendest him away. .. /p /prevailest.htm - 7k Prevailed (46 ...
... VI.16. "And when ye fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast." ...
... ) .. mountain to pray. "And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. "And, behold .. ...
... 14:20 Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passeth: thou changest his countenance, and sendest him away. .. /c /changest.htm - 7k Changeth (10 ...
... . (v . i.) To be propitious or favorable; to favor; to countenance;- often with on; as, to smile on one's labors. 5. ( ...
... Home-Example. .. Says Solomon, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Says Paul "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor ...
... hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. (KJV) Thesaurus Twoedged (1 Occurrence ...
... NAS) . Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens his friend's countenance. (WEB) . .. /f /friend's.htm - 7k Friendship (13 Occurrences ...'s.htm
... where the same Hebrew word is rendered "presence") . The "light of God's countenance" is his favour ( Psalm 44:3 ; Dan. 9:17 ) . ...
... • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) The face, countenance, or look of a person;- chiefly applied to the human face. 2. ...
... , Feminine Transliteration: katepheia Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ay' fi-ah) Short Definition: a downcast countenance, gloom .. // - 6k 127. aidos- ...
... chapter xxxi the four captive.htm Youthful Confessors .. And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the ...
... NAS) . Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens his friend's countenance. (WEB) . .. /f /friend's.htm - 7k Sharper (4 Occurrences ...
... hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his .. /t /twoedged.htm - 6k Burneth ( ...
... of Cain's Crime and his Obstinacy, which not Even the .. .. is thy countenance fallen? If thou offerest rightly, but dost not rightly distinguish, hast thou not sinned ...
... .) Cast down; afflicted; low-spirited; sad; as, a dejected look or countenance. Greek 4659. skuthropos- with a gloomy look .. 4659 (from , " ...
... ) . .. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart. (KJV WBS) ...
... 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the ...
... 20 Thou prevailest over' him for ever, and he goeth, He is changing his countenance, And Thou sendest him away. (See NAS NIV) . .. /o ...
... Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) Kind regard; propitious aspect; countenance; friendly disposition; kindness; good will. 2. (n.) The act ...
... ? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him For the help of his countenance. (See JPS) Psalms 42:11 Why art thou cast down, O my ...
... . From ta'ar; outline, ie Figure or appearance-+ beautiful, X comely, countenance,+ fair, X favoured, form, X goodly, X resemble, visage. ...
... the youths who ate of the king's dainties. .. /d /dainties.htm - 12k Countenances (3 Occurrences) .. Daniel 1:15 And at the end of ten days ...
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