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Search results for: confederacy

118 results found.

5 pages of results.
... Bible Topical Confederacy Confederacy Jump to: ISBE • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) ...
... who is united with others in a league; a person or a nation engaged in a confederacy; an ally; also, an accomplice in a bad sense. 4. (n ...
... Thesaurus • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms • Resources Easton's Bible Dictionary A treaty or confederacy. The Jews were forbidden to enter into an alliance of any kind (1 ) with ...
... Multi-Version Concordance Confederates (1 Occurrence) . Obadiah 1:7 All the men of thy confederacy have conducted thee to the border .. /c /confederates.htm - 6k Confederate (3 ...
... Bible Dictionary Splendid. (1.) The king of Lachish, who joined in the confederacy against Joshua ( Joshua 10:3 ), and was defeated and slain. In one ...
... when the Israelites invaded Palestine ( Joshua 10:1 , 3) . He formed a confederacy with the other Canaanitish kings against the Israelites, but was utterly routed by Joshua when he ...
... do an unlawful act, or to use unlawful to do an act which is lawful; confederacy. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia CONSPIRACY kon-spir' a-si. See CONFEDERACY . Greek 4945. sunomosia- ...
... of Israel, they were your traffickers: they .. /c /confections.htm - 6k Confederacy (2 Occurrences) /c /confederacy.htm - 8k Wares (23 Occurrences) .. ...
... (27 Occurrences) .. and Arabians were successively subdued (these being members of a confederacy which, in an earlier reign, had raided Jerusalem and nearly extirpated the royal .. ...
... amasiah.htm That the Employing Of, and Associating with the Malignant Party .. .. his confederacy with the king of Assyria, (2 Kings 16:7 , 10, 2 Chronicles ...'s.htm
... 17. (v . t.) To unite in a troop, company, or confederacy. 18. (v . i.) To confederate for some common purpose; to ...
... with others to Rome in 161 B.C., to negotiate a "league of amity and confederacy" (1 Maccabees 8:17) . The name occurs In the Old Testament as ...
... when the Israelites invaded Palestine ( Joshua 10:1 , 3) . He formed a confederacy with the other Canaanitish kings against the Israelites, but was utterly routed by Joshua when he ...
... (9 .. /hebrew/4541a.htm - 5k 7195. qesher- conspiracy .. confederacy, conspiracy, treason. From qashar; an (unlawful) alliance- confederacy, conspiracy ...
... • Terms • Resources Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (n . pl.) A tribe or confederacy of North American Indians, including the Muskogees, Seminoles, Uchees, and other subordinate tribes ...
... important in the history of the world." The kings of southern Canaan entered into a confederacy against Gibeon (because it had entered into a league with Joshua) under the leadership of ...
... Smith's Bible Dictionary Jabin (whom God observes) . King of Hazor, who organized a confederacy of the northern princes against the Israelites. ( Joshua 11:1-3 ) Joshua surprised the ...
... a place memorable in the history of the conquest of Palestine. Here Joshua completely routed the confederacy of the northern chiefs under Jabin. ( Joshua 11:5 ,7 ) It is ...
... if any.htm That the Employing Of, and Associating with the Malignant Party .. .. Confederacy with the Canaanites and other nations was forbidden on this ground, "that the people be ...
... ')); a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh)- confederacy, (con-)feder( -ate), covenant .. /hebrew/ ...
... is Foolish, Inasmuch as .. .. themselves throughout the whole world. Assuredly this confederacy ought to be rooted out and execrated. They know one another by .. / .. ...
... the territories of the Minni between Ararat and Lake Urumiyeh, and two years later the northern confederacy was utterly .. / ../early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter vi babylonia ...
... sent with others to Rome in 161 BC, to negotiate a "league of amity and confederacy" (1 .. /a /accos.htm - 6k John (154 Occurrences) . ...
... .. [3788] . That ye may see also that the proceedings of this lying confederacy, [3789] to which is given the name of New Prophecy, is abominated among ...
... who is united with others in a league; a person or a nation engaged in a confederacy; an ally; also, an accomplice in a bad sense. .. /c ...
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