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Search results for: employing

25 verses found. Showing up to 25.
... stewards of the manifold grace of God: As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. As each ...
... complaining to the owner of the vineyard. They took their money and started grumbling against the employer. When they received it, they began to complain to the landowner: When they received ...
... altar get a share of the sacrificial offerings. Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the ...
... Take your bill and make it eight hundred. " 'And how much do you owe my employer? ' he asked the next man. I owe him 1,000 bushels of wheat ...
... you owe my master? ' "So he invited each person who owed money to his employer to come and discuss the situation. He asked the first one, How much do you ...
... ? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer. So the employer called him in and said, What's this I hear about you? Get your report in ...
... we receive a good income from this business. He called them together, along with others employed in similar trades, and addressed them as follows: "Gentlemen, you know that our ...
... know, nor a cover for covetousness- God is our witness; For neither do we ever employ enticing speech as you know, neither an occasion for greed, God is witness, As ...
... were without intelligence and without conviction. We were deceived and Servants to changing lusts and were employed in wickedness and in envy. We were despicable and hating one another. Indeed, we ...
... these things. And you walked also in these things from the first, when you were employed in these things. You used to live that kind of sinful life. and in them ...
... these things, Yeshua and his disciples came to the land of Judea, and he was employed there with them and he baptized. Later, Jesus and his disciples went to the Judean ...
... conscience, that in generosity and in purity and in the grace of God we have been employed in the world, and not in the wisdom of the flesh, and all the more ...
... near Arabah, to a fortress city, which is called Ephraim, and there he was employed with his disciples. So Jesus no longer walked openly among the Jews. Instead, he ...
... diligence, in your faith supply virtue; and in your virtue knowledge; And you, employing all care, minister in your faith, virtue; and in virtue, knowledge; But ...
... they seduce by filthy desires of the flesh those who had just escaped from those who were employed in deception. They arrogantly use nonsense to seduce people by appealing to their sexual desires, ...
... nature the children of wrath, even as the rest of the world. We also were employed in those works from the first in the desires of our flesh, and we were doing ...
... , the lame and the blind. ' "And that servant came and he told his employer these things; and the owner of the house was angry and he said to his servant ...
... some new thing.) (Now all the Athenians, and strangers that were there, employed themselves in nothing else, but either in telling or in hearing some new thing.) ...
... and revelations of the Lord. I am compelled to boast. It is not a profitable employment, but I will proceed to visions and revelations granted me by the Lord. It is ...
... into the marketplace before the rulers. And her masters having seen that the hope of their employment was gone, having caught Paul and Silas, drew them to the market-place, unto the ...
... to hire laborers into his vineyard. "For the Kingdom of the Heavens is like an employer who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard, " ...
... a certain maid, having a spirit of Python, did meet us, who brought much employment to her masters by soothsaying, a as bringing by deal divination earned for fortune-telling future girl ...
... gained other five talents. Without delay the one who had received the five talents went and employed them in business, and gained five more. Immediately he who received the five talents went ...
... members servants to righteousness, to (work) holiness. your human infirmity leads me to employ these familiar figures- and just as you once surrendered your faculties into bondage to Impurity and ever-increasing ...
... miniature silver sanctuaries of Diana, a business which brought great gain to the mechanics in his employ. For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis ...

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