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4568 results found.

183 pages of results.
... works which it contains. Many of Eusebius' writings, especially the historical, have been published separately. Such editions will be mentioned in their proper place in the Catalogue. More or ...
... , of which I could never be rid. [26] The author of his life, published in 1692, who was one of his personal friends, gives the following account of Bunyan's ...
... Bible Library The Publisher Has Pleasure in Submitting the Following Extracts from Recent Notices which have Appeared of the Vols. Already Issued:- Young's Night Thoughts — Edward Young Literary Gazette. ...
... Bible Library Short Account of the Life and Writings of Robert Barclay, Published at Philadelphia, in 1805. Theses Theologicae and An Apology for the True Christian Divinity — Robert Barclay Among ...
... - The name of Protevangelium was first given to it by Postel, whose Latin version was published in 1552. The James is usually referred to St. James the Less, the Lord's ...
... with whom our modern literature begins. [205] II and [206] III, published in the Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1576, reflect the gloom of that unhappy period between ...
... He entities his comments on Daniel, "The Fountains of Salvation." They were first published at Naples, A.D.1497: again in A.D.1551, without the name of any place, and ...
... Editio Princeps of the complete extant works of Basil in the original Greek is that which Froben published for Janus Cornarius at Bale in 1551. But Froben had already published in 1532, under ...
... Bible Library Works Published by T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh. Christology of the Old Testament — Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg PROSPECTUS OF THE ANTE-NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. MESSRS CLARK of Edinburgh ...
... , Saints' Everlasting Rest, a hymn-book and Mr. Wesley's Primitive Physic, were all published in the same year. This was a small beginning, but it was quite equal to ...
... Juillet 1882) pointed out that Hierapolis had been frequently confounded with Hieropolis; and he also published in the same journal a metrical and early Christian epitaph of a certain Alexander (A . ...
... was at Rome in the days of Anicetus and made his inquiries then, but did not publish them till considerably later. But Anicetus, according to Lipsius (Chronologie der römischen Bischöfe) ...
... , nothing was done. On his return (1564) from the Council of Trent Baius published several pamphlets in explanation and defence of his views, all of which were attacked by his ...
... " Vol. II.648 sqq. Brieger's "Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte" (begun in 1877 and published in Gotha) contains bibliographical articles of Ad. Harnack, Möller, and others, on ...
... intimates that friends were at that time importuning him, although without success, to complete and publish it. And the letter to Aurelius, which was sent to that bishop with the treatise ...
... which they actually delivered. We have never been able to ascertain that one of these was published during the lifetime of the author, or from notes written by himself. They were printed ...
... arrogance which caused them, and exhorting them to seek peace and concord. These were all published with a Latin translation, and a learned preface establishing their authenticity, and notes by Nicolas ...
... and Versions. Church History — Eusebius Pamphilius The original Greek of Eusebius' History has been published in many editions. 1. The editio princeps is that of Robert Stephanus, which appeared ...
... LXX current in the Syrian church, which, having been carefully prepared by Origen, were published by the two friends (Hieron. Praef. in Paralip.; adv. Rufin. ...
... the first, from 1528 to 1580, is that in which the two major works were published. The treatise Against Avarice was issued by Sichardus at Fol near Basle in 1528: two ...
... which the following is the text:- (1 ) "To ye confession of fayth published in ye name of ye Church of England and to every artikell thereof wee do w'th ye ...
... Bible Library Editions of Origin. Origen De Principiis — Origen The first published works of Origen were his Homilies, which appeared in 1475, although neither the name of the publisher nor ...
... undertake a new and correct impression of them in one volume. This being done, the publishers were much concerned to have the life of such an useful and eminent minister of Christ written ...
... Sum of the Preface. 1-8. Objections before and since the author's death made against the publishing of this doctrine. 9-10. The first objection: Because the knowledge and practice of it ...
... to seven hundred and sixty-six bishops. CATHOLIC PERIODICALS.- The United States Catholic Miscellany, published weekly in Charleston, S. C.; the Catholic Telegraph, published weekly in Cincinnati ...
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