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Search results for: navy

228 results found.

10 pages of results.
... timuerunt nautae et vociferati sunt quisque ad deum suum; et projecerunt vasa, quae erant in navi, in mare, ut levaretur ab illis: Jonas autem descenderat in latera navis, et ...
... true this statement is appears from a recent speech made by Secretary Daniels of the U.S. Navy. In the course of an address which he delivered before the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of ...
... IN WEAPONS ONLY. By the term "weapons" understanding all that belongs to armies, navies, fortifications, and the material forces on which nations depend (see vers. 9-11) ...'s_trust_in_his_weapons.htm
... faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience … Admiral Foote, of the American navy, was a very godly man. While pacing the deck at night, on the lonely ...
... an annual dinner at which Mr. Choate was set down for the toast, "The Navy," and Mr. Depew was to respond to "The Army." Mr. ...
... and Gaul vied with each other in liberal contributions to the public service; and the imperial navy of three hundred large galleys, with an adequate proportion of transports and smaller vessels, was ...
... i.e. dwellers in caves" Nations may trust to their material defences, their armies, navies, fortifications; but they are as stubble to the ruing fire when justice begins its work ...
... and powerful weapons to fight its battles. Like Goliath, it is full-armoured. Armies and navies are on its side. The weapons of good are of the simplest kind: the sling ...
... 30,000 pounds annually: excluding of course the expenditure connected with our own military and navy, and the repair of the fortifications, which latter expense ought to be much less than ...
... Goal. married. __; she died 2/1841.+ Thomas Winkworth. A navy surgeon, & afterwards a silk manufacturer in partnership with his brother Henry.+ son. ...
... and swords; and they have brought, too, full cargoes of liquid poison. The navies of Christian, lands have fought in my harbors, and their armies upon my shores. ...
... by pious influences in early life, but became a careless and wicked youth; joined the navy, and was severely wounded. Some one about this time chanced to read to him a ...
... over a wall.… Sir Alexander Ball was one of those great men who adorned our navy at the end of the eighteenth century. The following anecdote is told of him by his ...
... had a great reputation for the conundrums and riddles that he made and guessed. The Solomonic navy visited all the world, and the sailors, of course, talked about the wealth of ...
... NATIONAL PROSPERITY. Not a population outgrowing that of all other countries; nor an army and navy such as no other nation can equip; nor a full national exchequer; nor an extensive ...
... Et Jehova emisit ventum magnum super mare, et facta est tempestas magna in mari, et navis cogitabit frangi. Jonah declares here how he had been, as it were, by force ...
... and a human being sailing the ocean of life are well-nigh endless. I. IN THE NAVIES OF THE WORLD THERE ARE YACHTS FOR PLEASURE AND MERCHANTMEN FOR BUSINESS. So there are mere ...
... velocity. We might as well have poorer guns in our arsenals and clumsier ships in our navy than other nations, as to have under our cavalry saddles and before our parks of artillery ...
... that a lamb might gambol in, so shallow; and now a river so deep that navies might rock themselves in its abundance of water. What a marvellous river was this! The ...
... mostly cut in the rocks, Nations may trust to their material defences, their armies, navies, fortifications; but they are as stubble to the raging fire when justice begins its work ...
... man. I have read of a lady who, writing to a young man in the navy, thought, "Shall I close this as anybody would, or shall I say a ...
... are of the household of faith. A lady once writing to a young man in the navy, who was almost a stranger, thought, "Shall I close this as anybody would ...
... after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared,… At Portland navy yard one of the United States ships came in for repair and fumigation, as yellow fever ...
... and women to look to for the defence and prosperity of nations? Astute diplomatists, enlarged navies and armies, and forts and guns, scientific discoveries, commercial treaties, cultivation of art ...
... find that the presence of one Person pervades the whole book If you go into a British navy yard, or on board a British vessel, and pick up a piece of rope, ...
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