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Search results for: bishoprick

15 results found.
... church. If bishop or hegumenos is found alienating any part of the farm lands of the bishoprick or monastery into the hands of secular princes, or surrendering them to any other person, ...
... sent from the council both to him and to his people; that he should vacate the bishoprick, and that they should request another to be appointed for them. Notes. Ancient Epitome ...
... Eastern diocese had come to Constantinople to ordain Gregory bishop there. And Gregory having abandoned the bishoprick of Sasima, which was in the Pontic diocese, had removed to Constantinople. While Peter ...
... he was not willing, and went away. Under these circumstances to deprive him of his bishoprick, before the conclusion of his cause was known, could commend itself to no Christian as ...
... It is translated visitation in Lu 19:44, and 1 Pe 2:12; bishoprick, Ac 1:20; and, in this place, office of a bishop. ...
... knew it was an established fact that they had not done so, let him lose his bishoprick. Notes. Ancient Epitome of Canon CXXIV. Whoso says that a man, whom he ...
... what forms the only lawful monarchy in the church. There is, he says, one bishoprick, which unites the various parts into one whole. This bishoprick he claims for Christ alone ...
... have come in; so a few shining dignities in your church, prebends, deaneries, bishopricks, are the pious fraud that induces and decoys the parents to risk their child's fortune in ...
... habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein; [3467] and, His bishoprick let another take;" [3468]- thus leading to the completion of the apostles ...
... facile princeps. His main supporter in the East was Acacius, who had succeeded to the bishoprick, the library, and the doctrinal position of his preceptor Eusebius of Cæsarea. The latter ...
... three metropolitical sees in the three chief cities of the island, unto which they subjected divers bishopricks: the first at London, whereunto all England, from the banks of Humber southwards, ...
... Malcolm III. Alexander, David, &c . successively supported this dignity by erecting particular bishopricks, abbeys, and monasteries; the same superstitious zeal seized the nobility of both sexes, ...
... shall fill that Sea which hath been 14 yeares voyde, remove the opinion of kepinge a Bishopricke so long in your Majestie's hands; by placing an olde Bishop there it will not ( ...
... expect, if we are called out to work remarkably for God: not great prebendaries or bishopricks, but great sufferings for our Lord's name sake; these are the fruits of our labor ...
... expect, if we are called out to work remarkably for God: not great prebendaries or bishopricks, but great sufferings for our Lord's name sake; these are the fruits of our labor ...'s_conversion.htm

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