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Search results for: bishop

8350 results found.

334 pages of results.
... was furnished by the Caecilian family, and that in order to make room for the two bishops the body of Caecilia was moved to an adjacent side chamber. As to how Caecilia suffered ...
... he dedicates his work as a person of authority, although he does not style him a bishop (but see Lightfoot, u.s. p.483), who had urged him a very long ...
... 370. Abdaleus, a Syrian monk, [2442] 370. Abdas, a Persian bishop and martyr, [2443] 267. Abdiesus, a Persian deacon and martyr, [ ...
... Domitian and Theodore Askidas, won the favor of Justinian and the latter received promotion, becoming bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia. Supported by them, struggles broke out in various places between the ...
... though there is uncertainty. Text in Kirch, nn.323 f. Constantine Augustus to Caecilianus, Bishop of Carthage. Since it is our pleasure that something should be granted in all the provinces ...
... without, apparently, collecting them into one monastery, he provided for their organization. The bishop of a neighbouring diocese sent for him to regulate the monks there. Pachomius seems also to ...
... vacancy of the see of his native city he was compelled by the popular demand to become bishop. His episcopate, according to Theodoret, was signalized by fresh miracles. In 325 he ...
... abolition of the most distinctively Jewish rites, and practically signified their assent by electing as their bishop a Gentile and uncircumcised man- Mark (Eus. H. E. iv.6) . ...
... Churches of western Christendom. The country was divided into dioceses; and each diocese had a bishop as its ruler, and a Cathedral Church in which the bishop's stool was placed. The ...
... General Index to Socrates' Ecclesiastical History. The Ecclesiastical History of sozomenus — Sozomen Abdas, bishop of Persia, [1 ] 157. Abgarus, unknown person, excommunicated, [2 ...
... and simple style of apostolical men." A letter was addressed to him and other orthodox bishops by Alexander of Alexandria (Epiph. Haer. lxix.4, p.730) . He attended the ...
... healed by Thaddeus, [5 ] 101, [6 ] 104. Abilius, second bishop of Alexandria, [7 ] 147, [8 ] 149. Abraham, [9 ...
... of Sicily. Epistle III. To Paul, Scholasticus. Epistle IV. To John, Bishop of Constantinople . Epistle V. To Theoctista, Sister of the Emperor. Epistle VI. ...
... but Eusebius has preserved a copy of the encyclical rescript which the emperor addressed to the Christian bishops of the Egyptian province, which shews that the position of "the bishops" is perfectly ...
... between Europe and Asia. Its emperor still thought himself the lord of the world; its bishop assumed the title of Ecumenical Patriarch. Both emperor and bishop cast but a disdainful glance on ...
... the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, and returned to the holy city. Its 15 successive bishops had all been Hebrews, but now the mother-church of the world first came under the care ...
... or through the urgency of individuals … Canon III. The great Synod has stringently forbidden any bishop, presbyter … Canon IV. It is by all means proper that a bishop should be ...
... ABERDEEN, OCTOBER 7-8, 1884. In his address to the Diocesan Convention of 1884, Bishop Williams said: "I have received an invitation to be present at Aberdeen, Scotland, ...
... There are five heads in this chapter. I. The Patriarchate given and confirmed to the Bishop of Rome, first by the Council of Nice, and afterwards by that of Chalcedon though ...
... church of Edessa during the episcopate of Rabbulas, and warmly espousing the theological views which his bishop uncompromisingly opposed. He was an ardent admirer of the writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia, which ...
... . I preface that this letter was carried to the Pope by two imperial legates, the bishops Hypatius and Demetrius. It begins: [115] "Rendering honour to the Apostolic See ...
... his own accession, which he sent to the emperor Anastasius by the hands of Germanus, bishop of Capua, and Cresconius, bishop of Trent, on occasion of Theodorick's embassy for the ...
... , a.d.258. Cyprian (Ep.82 al.80 ad Successum) mentions the rescript of Valerian directing that bishops, presbyters, and deacons should forthwith be punished, and records the martyrdom of Xystus bp ...
... Library Centenary Commemoration The Sermons And Addresses At The Seabury Centenary — Various OF THE RETURN OF BISHOP SEABURY.1885 THE RT. REV. SAMUEL SEABURY, D.D. FIRST BISHOP OF CONNECTICUT, HELD ...
... Bible Library Name Index Studies in the Book of Common Prayer — Herbert Mortimer Luckock * Adelphus Bishop of Lincoln: [1 ] 1 * Andrewes: [2 ] 1 [3 ] ...
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