No entries with all terms, 60 entries with some. Showing up to 25.
... : an enrollment, census-taking, record. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from apographó Definition a register, enrollment NASB Translation census (2 ) . Thayer's Greek Lexicon STRONGS NT 582: ἀπογραφή ἀπογραφή, ἀπογραφῆς, ἡ (ἀπογράφω); ...
... registration (or census-taking) . NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from apo and graphó Definition to copy, enroll NASB Translation census be taken (1 ), enrolled (1 ), register (1 ), register for the census ( ...
... about 60 times) – properly, "dwelling of peace," referring to the city of Jerusalem (see also OT 3389/Yerúshálayim) . See 2419 (Hierousalm, the feminine noun-form) . [OT Hebrew uses only one ...
... exercising personal opinion which determines value") – glory. 1391 /dóksa (" glory") corresponds to the OT word, kabo (OT 3519, "to be heavy") . Both terms convey God's infinite, intrinsic ...
... surname of Jacob, then the Jewish people, the people of God. HELPS Word-studies 2474 Israḗl (transliterated from the OT term 3478 /Nazaréth, "Israel") – Israel; the elect-nation of God in the OT "consummated ...
... war-trumpet" (WS, 797) that boldly announces God's victory (the vanquishing of His enemies) . In the OT, trumpets were used to called God's people to war, and to announce victory wrought by Him. That is ...
... body; a "joint-body," referring to "the mystical body of Christ, composed of all saved believers (OT and NT) . It is used only in Eph 3:6 . "This union fulfilled the promise of ...
... a vineyard. HELPS Word-studies 290 ampelṓn – properly, a vineyard; (figuratively) the religious, spiritual life of OT Israel – and by extension the body of Christ, consummating (not replacing) believing Israel as the one, ...
... ( 5568 /psalmós) was sung and accompanied by a plucked musical instrument (typically a harp), especially the OT Psalms. [The Psalms of the OT were often sung and were accompanied by sophisticated musical arrangements.] NAS ...
... /problépō, forseen') something better for us (NT believers), so that apart from us they (OT believers) would not be made perfect (i.e. glorified) ." The following is a fuller rendering of ...
... armies Usage: hosts, armies. HELPS Word-studies 4519 sabaṓth (the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew term, bā̓āh, OT 6635) – host(s ), an innumerable throng (limitless company) . 4519 /sabaṓth (" ...
... where you are depart from me Acts 5:37 V-AIA-3S GRK: ἀπογραφῆς καὶ ἀπέστησεν λαὸν ὀπίσω NAS: of the census and drew away [some] people KJV: and drew away much INT: census and drew away people after ...
... The "I am formula (Gk egō eimi)" harks back to God's only name, "Yahweh" (OT/3068, "the lord ") – meaning "He who always was, is, and will be ...
... the NT. It is characterized by Christ baptizing all believers in the Holy Spirit, i.e. engrafting all believers (OT, NT) into His mystical body (1 Cor 12:13) with all the marvelous privileges that go ...
... ) Definition: mercy, pity, compassion Usage: pity, mercy, compassion. HELPS Word-studies 1656 éleos (translating OT 2617 /kataisxýnō, "covenant-loyalty, covenant-love" in the OT-LXX over 170 times) – properly, "mercy ...
... to an officially sanctioned promise. "Almost every NT use of the word promise (epaggelia) points back to the OT" (Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Back Toward the Future, Hints for Interpreting Bible Prophecy, ...
... ." Indeed, this symbolic sense is often key to interpreting texts that use the number seven, both in the OT and NT. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. word Definition seven NASB Translation seven (87), ...
... which avoids unnecessary delays (deviations) . [This root (euthy-) often correlates in the LXX to the OT term, yāsar.] NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. word used as an adjective or adverb Definition ...
... the Lord accepts because offered on His terms. 2378 /thysía (" sacrifice") refers to various forms of OT blood sacrifices (" types") – all awaiting their fulfillment in their antitype, Jesus Christ (Heb 10 ...
... Judaism, and allegorically, Christendom, the Christian Church. HELPS Word-studies 2419 Hierousalḗm (a feminine noun, transliterating the OT term, 3389/Yerúshalayim, apparently "the dwelling of peace"; see Gesenius, BDB, Zodhiates, ...
... i.e. it never means "however" (" but") – unlike the principal conjunction (waw) in OT Hebrew (G . Archer) .] NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. conjunction Definition and, even ...
... "a cultivated olive tree") is only used in Ro 11:24 where it refers to believing Israel (OT believers) . NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from the comp. of kalos and elaia Definition a cultivated olive ( ...
... literal physical pump that drives the blood. That is, "heart" is only used figuratively (both in the OT and NT.] NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. word Definition heart NASB Translation heart (102) ...
... of sentences may be paraphrased by: So let it be. HELPS Word-studies 281 amḗn (the counterpart of the Hebrew OT term, 543 /apeítheia, "steadfast") – properly, sure (certain) . 281 (amḗn ...
... Definition: an offering Usage: a gift, offering, anything consecrated to God. HELPS Word-studies 2878 korbán (see OT 7133/quārbān) – Corban; properly, a gift (offering) dedicated to God, and misused by ...