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No results found containing all search terms. 281 results found containing some search terms.

12 pages of results.
... Tell el-Amarna it is referred to as Alashia (E . Meyer, Gesch. des Alterthums, ... Cassius liii.12), administered by a legatus Augusti pro praetore or by the imperial legate of Cilicia ...
... Tod ILLYRICUM, was a Roman province on the e. coast of the Adriatic. Epirus was ... imperial province, administered by a consular legatus Augusti pro praetore residing at Salonae (modern Spalato) ...
... Mts. or the modern Balkan, on the e. by Thrace and AEgean Sea, s ... united them under the government of a legatus Augusti pro praetore until, in 44 A.D., ...
... shall they fall in it by the sword, says the Lord Yahweh. Encyclopedia SEVENEH se-ven' e, se-ve' ne (ceweneh): For the King James Version "the tower of Syene ...
... was completely vindicated, and the repressive measures required of officials were interpreted with leniency (see E. G. Hardy, Pliny's Correspondence with Trajan, and Christianity and the Roman Government) ...
... winter there. LASEA, a town on the s. coast of Crete, equidistant from e. to w., and nearly on the most southern point; 2 ms. e ...
... Massis is 17,750 ft. above the sea and rises from a plain at the e. end of a range of many miles in length. The older claimant, of which ...
... you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Encyclopedia COLOSSAE ko-los' e (Kolossai, "punishment"; the King James Version Colosse): A city of ...
... on cisterns filled during the rainy season. W. Ewing SALCAH and Salchah, on the e. of Bashan, now Sulkhad, 56 ms. e. of Jordan, on the ...
... , CITY OF . For Tell el-Milch see PEF, III, 415-16, Sh XXV. E. W. G. Masterman MOL'ADAH, now tell el Mil'h, 1210 ft. above ...
... n.e. part of the Dead Sea, although some suppose it to be 50 ms. e. by s. of the sea of Tiberias, 6 ms. e. of the ...
... the Jordan valley. Willis J. Beecher A'BEL-SHIT'TIM, "meadow of the acacias," e. side of the Jordan opposite Jericho and 25 ms. e. of Jerusalem; it ...
... Egyptian grain and oriental wares, dispatched from Alexandria and other cities of the Levant (Cicero Pro Rabirio 40; Suetonius, Augustus 98; Strabo xvii. 793; Cicero Pro Caelio 10 ...
... it descends 1350 ft. to the city through which it runs and continues 15 ms. e. to a marshy lake. There are at least 43 villages upon the main stream e ...
... a question on which we lack evidence. Willis J. Beecher AB'ARIM, mts., e. of the Dead Sea and opposite Jericho. They descend from that high table land e ...
... it was 140 ms. n. and s. with an average of 40 ms. e. and w., equal to 5600 square ms. Adding an easterly extent of 20 ...
... and Armenians are among the most virile of the present inhabitants of the province. G. E. White CILI'CIA, a s.e. province of Asia Minor, having Cappadocia on the n ...
... the Kidron Valley, which must far more resemble the original Gethsemane than the orthodox site. E. W. G. Masterman GETHSEM'ANE, "oil press", according to tradition it ...
... of stone pipes, a large necropolis, and the ruins of three early Christian churches. E. J. Banks LAODICE'A, now Eski-hissar, " old castle" a little village surrounded ...
... bounded on the n.e. by the Caspian Sea; n. by the Araxes river; e. by Parthia and Hyrcania; on the s. by Persia and Susiana; on the ...
... II; Guerin, Description de l'Ile de Patmos (Paris, 1856) . J. E. Harry PATMOS, a bare rocky island in the AEgean Sea, 32 ms. w ...
... (BDB) . Edward Mack AI (pron. a'i); now called Haiyan, e. of Bethel and 8 ms., a little e. of n. of Jerusalem ...
... now ruins of Um Lakis, 34 ms. s.w. from Jerusalem, 10J ms. e. of the Mediterranean on the w. slope of a hill and 360 ft. above ...
... " for His last hours of spiritual struggle and prayer before the turmoil of the end. E. W. G. Masterman CE'DRON, in the N.T., but always Kidron in ...
... 1884); G. A. Smith, HGHL, chapter xiii (1894); E. Huntington, Palestine and Its Transformation, chapter vi, etc. E. W. ...
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